Buffy Punk Slang
— anti-socialite : Criminals, those who intend ill-will towards GBA or it’s citizens.
— buffed : Seriously well-armed.
— do time : To live. “He does time in Kropotkin.”
— GBA : [Greater Bay Area] “Political” division, independent city state controlling much of the bay area.
— ganked : Death/murder, usually in a sudden, “ew, totally gross” manner.
— ferals : Children and adults, often mentally “touched”, who live a wild, barely human existance in marginal areas such as Downtown. Also, wild animals; dogs, cats, and ferrets being common.
— frust : The small line of debris that refuses to be swept onto the dust pan and keeps backing a person across the room until he finally decides to give up and sweep it under the rug.
— kaiser sosayed: : Tricked into believing the bad guy is really a good guy, and on your side!.
— kipple : Name for areas that are used as dumping grounds (for rubble, trash, etc) and were never rebuilt after 2070.
— no-go : [a no-go zone] Area that is not safe to enter. Reasons for this include it’s toxic, structurally unstable, or the people there spread SDS.
— PRD : [Planned Rural Developement] Built, guarded and maintained by a corporation as a peacefull, safe home for it’s tele-commuting employees.
— protien puck : Any one of several processed vegitarian protein foodstuffs (tofu, boca, vegitable patties).
— rocket sauce : Brand of energy drink. Anything that is good and powerfull.
— SDS : [Sudden Death Syndrome] An affliction suffered by those who habitually piss-off the wrong people.
— slice and dice : noun. A fight involving knives or swords.
— social leper colony : unpopular group.
— some kind of a whack : It’s stupid.
— speed is of the serious essence : We need to hurry.
— shake and burn : The quake and riots of 2070.
— throwing down : “I’m throwing down.” ie. throwing down the gauntlet. Challenging someone to a fight.
— tweaked : adj. Under the influence. verb. To take physical enhancement drugs. “Don’t fight Sweeny he tweaks and will rip your head off.”
— uber : Massively cool/powerfull, above the best. “The uber demon kicked both slayer’s ass.”
— uberkid : A fairly common phenomenon affecting 1-2% of new births. They are super-intelligent child prodigies whose accelerated developement leads to accelerated death. None has lived past their 26th birthday.
— unscheduled slayage : Unexpectedly having to fight vampires.
— unregulated : Areas controlled by corporations. Named because the are not subject to governmental regulations.
— what’s the what : What’s going on?
— wiggins : The state of wigging out.