

MONSTERS: BRUTAL monsters that “work” EPTUSIS, Hivers - like Alien movies Hivelings: zergs of the Hivers, quick, stealthly, decent melee, acidic blood(burn damage) WP 2 IN 1 NT 1 CR 1 ST 4 MV 8 CN 6 CB 8 LF 2 SZ 3 SP 6” DV 9” Natural Attack & Defense: carapace 4d* claws, bite, tail 4d Special Ability: Immune to Horor, Gore, Control +7d(8d total) to spot warm blooded creatures Swarm - Declare, move and attack with a group of hivelings as one. Each one must attack and must attack the same target. For each each Hiveling attacking same character beyond the first they each get +1d attack. (e.g. 2 hivelings will hit & run Sgt splat 2 more move and melee him, they each get +3d to attack roll) Queen big, strong, smart, Psi Hivelings: zergs of the Hivers, quick, stealthly, decent melee, acidic blood(burn damage) WP 6 IN 4 NT 1 CR 1 ST 8 MV 4 CN 2 CB 8 LF 8 SZ 6 SP 3” DV 9” Natural Attack & Defense: carapace 6d* bash 2d bite 4d Special Ability: Immune to Horror, Gore, Control Psi damping field No Psi Talent work within 24” of queen Predators - like da movie plenty of trick tech, decent abilities across the board.