
NJHarman’s Campaign for North Africa House Rules

SPI’s most monsterish monster, Campaign for North Africa. I really love this game. But, there’s vagueness and contradictions all over the rules.

Sequence of Play

CORRECTION/INTERPRETATION SoP says coastal ships move during “Tactical Shipping Segment.” Rules says they move in “Truck Convoy Phase”. Grouping movement seems clearer.


  • Initiative is rolled for each OpStage, after the shared portion of OpStage. I dislike the artificial 3 OpS boundary and enjoy the more frequent possible double turn tension.

  • Combine and reorder steps of II Strategic Air Planning Stage and III Naval Convoy Stage To facilitate asynchronous internet play. Both sides can do more independently.

  • Move Stores Expenditure to start of Game Turn

  • Lack of Stores attrition moved to “Stores Expenditure Stage”. Apply when expended, once a Game Turn.

  • Move VIII Strategic Air Recovery Stage to end of combined II/III Stage. It’s confusing to leave strategic mission aircraft “out” through all the OpStages. In practice no one does that. Suspect designers wanted to emphasize aircraft flown on strategic mission can’t also be flown during Land Support Air Phases.

  • Combine all non-combat movement into one “Convoy Movement Phase”.

  • Move vehicle repairs prior to Towing/movement. Prevent repairing just broke down and just towed vehicles.

I <moved> Initiative determined with declartion each OpStage

IV Stores Expenditure, Evaporation & Spillage Stage
  A. Apply Evaporation and Spillage
  B. Apply Stores Expenditure
  C. Apply Attrition (for lack of Stores)

II/III Strategic Stage
  A. Assign squadrons to Strategic or Land Support for the Turn
  B. [Allies] resolve Naval Convoy Recon
  C. [Axis] plan next turn's Convoy
  D. [Axis] roll for Theatre Support; secretly assign Malta missions
  E. [Axis] secretly assign Naval Convoy CAP (with knowlege of which lanes got reconned)
  F. [Allies] assign Malta and Naval Convoy missions
  G. Resolve Malta and Naval Convoy missions
  H. Return all strategic mission aircraft to base
  J. Perform maintenance on strategic mission aircraft

V OpStage I (both sides)
  A. "Initiative" <moved to end of shared portion of OpStage>
  B. Weather determination Phase
  C. Organization Phase (in any order)
    1. Redistribute supplies amongst trucks, coastals, trains, and dumps
    2. Pre-pay Stores (see house rule below)
    3. Reorganize Formations
    4. Start, continue, complete construction
    5. Perform training
    6. Water Distribution and Apply Attrition (for lack of water)
  D. Naval Convoy Arrival Phase
  E. Commonwealth Fleet Assignment & Repair Phase
  F. Land Support Air Phase
  I. Initiative Determination & Declaration Phase

V OpStage I ("A" side)
  G. Reserve Designation Phase
  H. Movement & Combat Phase (repeat 1-4 as many times as desired)
    0. Recon by Recee
    1. Movement Segment
    2. Breakdown
    3. Combat
    4. Reserve Release
  J. Vehicle Repair Phase
  K. Convoy Movement Phase (in any order)
    1. Move Truck Convoys, SGSUs, Replacement Points, POWs/Guards
    2. Tow breakdowns & destroyed tanks, move Tank Delivery Squadrons
    3. Allied Train and Port shipping
    4. Axis Coastal Shipping
  M. Patrol Phase

V OpStage I ("B" side)
  Conduct G-M.

VI OpStage II


VIII Strategic Air Recovery Stage moved to end of II/III

IX End of Game Turn


64.0 The Campaign For North Africa

Italian Campaign Scenario starts with OpStage I. There is no Strategic Air, Naval Convoy or Stores Expenditure stages.

Prior to OpStage I, Axis player must plan Naval Convoy’s for GT1 and GT2. The first stuff will unload in OpStage I. Yes, allies are denied Naval Convoy Bombing on GT1. Such are the effects of “surprise invasion”.

Weather [29.0] is rolled for on 1st Turn of scenario. Many games dictate weather on 1st turn, as the aggressor would plan for or delay opening operation to coincide with favorable conditions. The Italians get no such benefit.

Remember all Trucks may be filled with “extra” supply. Coastal shipping starts empty.

INTERPRETATION [60.44] says “Major Repair Facility in (only) Alexandria”. But, [22.31] says all hexes of Alexandria and Cairo are Major. I rule all hexes of Cairo and both hexes of Alexandria are Major Repair Facilities.

INTERPRETATION [22.31] says Tobruk is Major Repair Facility. But, [60.33] says it’s temporary. I rule it’s temporary. Only major facilities in game are Tripoli, Alexandria, and Cairo.

CHANGE Ignore [59.36] and [60.32] maintenance may be performed first OpStage after flight. Designer intention seemed to be, you have only these aircraft ready. Perhaps an artifact from when maintenance was done before missions?

CHANGE Ignore [60.32] Italy/Sicily basing prohibition. Start with 8x SM.79, 2x CR.42 and 2x CR.32 twelve plane squadrons based in Sicily. Treat as if assigned to Strategic Air for GT1. No refit until GT2. I read forum arguments, forget where, about no way were there this many aircraft in Africa.

Mussolini Requirements

ADDITION Ala OCS DAKII. With god’s eye view and hindsight we are way better operational commanders than the Italians. It’s too easy to craft opening moves that produce success outside historical reasonableness. I find it difficult to remember to play “poorly”. Here and elsewhere are limitations to keep me in the spirit of Italian command.

These requirements end if Allies recapture Sidi Barrani or if they cross into Libya.

By GT1/III Italians must have and keep (or have been eliminated there) in Egypt:

  • 7 non-shell Inf Div Formations

  • 5 SP of non-Div Infantry Bn

  • 3 SP of independent artillery

  • 5 SP of other Formations

By GT5/I, of those above, must have and keep (or have been eliminated there) beyond the Mussolini Line (C4129-C3830-C3529-C3429-C3027, S. to Siwa):

  • 3 non-shell Inf Div Formations

  • 1 SP of independent artillery

  • 5 SP of other Formations

  • and have captured Sidi Barrani

Operation Herkules


  1. It must be July 1941 or later.

  2. Must be three or less active squadrons on Malta. I.e. <= three SGSU capacity amongst all non-flying boat air facilities.

  3. Must get Hitler to sign off, by rolling 1-2 on d6. Rolls of 3-6 indicate how many OpStages must pass before another roll may be attempted. Must be three or less active squadrons before any roll may be made.

  4. From now until start of invasion Axis may cancel Operation Herkules. Doing so returns withdrawn units and aircraft. Herkules may never be attempted again.

  5. All in play Ju52 must be withdrawn. Half of all future Ju52 reinforcements do not arrive.

  6. All of the following never arrive as reinforcements and must be withdrawn if in play.

    • 185th Folgore Div 94/II

    • 2/87 Fanterie Bn 15/II

    • Ramcke Bde various

  7. Complete invasion prep, by rolling 1 on d6. Attempt each OpStage.

  8. After all the above are satisfied the invasion commences: 2d6+6 OpStages later Malta is captured. All allied aircraft, airbase levels and AAA are lost. Any CW ships in Valetta rebase to Alexandria and must refit for 1 OpStage. The Axis get an immediate roll on [44.5] and once per GameTurn to rebuild air facilities. They immediately gain 2d6 flak points to distribute and may divert flak to Malta per [44.18]. Axis Maltese aircraft may fly Strategic Convoy CAP or Tactical North Africa missions.


Italian Command & Control Friction

ADDITION Agility is not a characteristic of Italian command during this time period.

Italian Units not stacked with Rommel:

  • Pay double the normal amount of CPA for Organization changes.

  • May detach / attach Units, Trucks, and Replacement Points only during an Organization Phase.

  • May not detach / attach Units or Trucks at all during the 1st OpStage of campaign. Limits gamey first move optimizations. No fixing Italian mistakes before play even begins!

Italian Truck Shuffle

ADDITION Historical concept borrowed from OCS DAKII.

At most two Italian semi-motorized Div (or eqv Bde from such) may be motorized at the same time. No semi-motorized Div (or part thereof) may remain motorized for more than 8 consecutive OpStages. Trucks must be detached and sent to motorize another Formation. Or, sent to Convoy duty.

Garrisons Should Garrison!

No Italian garrison unit lacking “+ CPA” may be motorized and in general should only motorize “10+ CPA” or machine-gun units. Limits cherry-picking units to spearhead Il Duce’s fantasies of conquest.

Untrained Unit Friction

ADDITION There’s this neat system of CPA/Organization and it isn’t used to model the disorganization and friction of untrained units!?

Units not fully trained:

  • Pay double the normal amount of CPA for Organization changes.

  • May detach / attach Units, Trucks, and Replacement Points only during an Organization Phase.

Dummy Tanks

INTERPRETATION [16.4] Dummy tanks are also reported as Barrage Target and during Air Recon.

Tank Delivery Squadrons

INTERPRETATION [22.63] TDS move during Convoy Movement Phase, even when not towing. It’s not stated when they move. Based on [22.63] intent was probably during Truck Convoy if not towing. Is cleaner to always have them move during Convoy.

Must be stacked with a combat unit to use Reaction, Retreat Before Assault or perform combat result Retreat.

Cohesion Recovery

CHANGE Formations suffering an Air Bombardment pin result may not regain CP per [6.24-1]. Strafing and other in hex bombardment, including bombing 1st-line trucks, does not prevent CP recovery. From actual play.

Operation Albumen


Once per game, after the fall of Crete, allied SBS/SAS may raid the air facilities on Crete. Randomly assign d6 Crete based squadrons to each of four fields. For each field apply percentage losses from [27.93] SAS Raid Table.

If Malta has fallen, a similar raid may be made, once per game, against the air facilities on that island.

Neither of these raids “use” or impact the SAS unit or any other on map unit.

The San Giorgio


[30.17] The Italians do have a ship: The San Giorgio. It has been parked in the harbor of Tobruk to serve as a stationary gun battery. It is immune to torpedoes, may Barrage adjacent hexes and may fire at Commonwealth ships in adjacent hexes through sea hexsides. If Tobruk is taken, the San Giorgio is scuttled in the harbor in the same OpStage and removed from the game. The ship may be undocked from the harbor, though it requires 3 Op-Stages to prepare and to take each action, instead of the usual 2, due to the Italian supply situation. If this happens, as the ship has been uninstalled from its fortified position, it loses its immunity to torpedoes and its AA rating drops from 6 to a 4.

San Giorgio may not combine Barrage with any other unit.

[55.25] is rescinded. San Giorgio never reduces efficiency whether afloat or scuttled.

[60.7, 61.6] Remove references to Tobruk being below efficiency maximum. San Giorgio is in the harbor in both campaigns.


CW Fleet may attack San Giorgio. Only from same hex, only BB and CA. Any anti-ship fire of San Giorgio and coastal batteries is applied before calculating CW barrage strength.

I wouldn’t sally the San Giorgio. But if I did, would rule that the CW Fleet is able to hunt and engage it when deployed. It wouldn’t last long.

Commonwealth Fleet

CORRECTION [30.15] says 100 sea hexes is Bxx29. But that’s wrong. Counting hexes, crossing med, the correct hexrow is Bxx24. The [30.23] example describes bombardment of Derna, which is 5 hexes beyond Bxx29. Also [24.5] mentions Derna bypass road was built to avoid coastal shelling!

INTERPRETATION While in port, ship Flak points are added to any others in that hex. Deployed ships may only fire flak at aircraft flying missions against their fleet. Ship flak is considered light.

CHANGE Once per OpStage, deployed ships, may move up to 4 hexes as part of a Bombardment. Ships deployed together in same hex must stay together, it’s all or none. Fleet doesn’t anchor off the coast! Is placed on map mostly to be Axis air mission target.

CHANGE Ships may bombard (and be attacked back from) any adjacent coastal hex. BB and CA may additionally bombard adjacent “inland” hexes at half strength. Use common sense LOS, e.g. not past ridge/slope/escarpment.

SOLO ADDITION Prior to Each Bombardment resolution roll d6. On a 1-2, no Bombardment occurs, ships remain “at sea”. Fleet off chasing Regia Marina, etc.

Look Sir, Trucks

ADDITION Given that [24.5] mentions coastal shelling, Commonwealth fleet occupying B5923, B5924, B5925, B5825, or B5728 may momentarily interrupt and bombard Truck Convoys or 1st line Trucks of Formations using road to move through fleet’s hex. Fleet must remain in place throughout OpStage and may bombard as many trucks as drive by. They may not also perform regular shore bombardment.


CORRECTION The rules, charts, and scenarios claim various values for Tobruk port efficiency. It is 5. It’s a wide open harbor, but not equivalent to other 10’s such as Alexandria and Tripoli. The San Giorgio does not block it.

INTERPRETATION [60.44] says “Unlimited Supplies in Cairo/Alexandria”. But, [57.0] says only Cairo. I rule only Cairo. Delta Railroad exists for reason!

CHANGE?/CLARIFICATION? Fuel in vehicle “fuel tanks” is not subject to Evaporation. One of those rules that may be implicit but never stated. Either way this is an tracking effort reduction win.

CHANGE Ignore [54.2] Truck Characteristics Chart’s note about light trucks earning extra breakdown if not moving along road. Seems wrong, should be heavy trucks. They represent semis-trailers or similar not well suited for off-road. Light trucks are jeeps, 4x4s. Would change if not such massive pain to calculate and track, for nothing. All penalized trucks get detached and sent to Via Balboa convoy duty.

CHANGE [8.88] Trucks may move during the OpStage if all load/unloading is done during Organization Phase. Just stupid otherwise.

CHANGE [51.1] Unit’s Stores requirements may be “paid” in “installments” throughout the previous OpStages. Stores can’t be used directly off 3rd Line Trucks [51.15] and Stores can’t be dumped on ground [54.13]. It’s a real pain and incongruous to attach trucks with enough Stores during Op3 organization (and detach them again later). Or, ensure units have enough empty trucks during Op3 supply distribution to hold Stores requirements. Also silly simulation wise that all Stores are consumed instantly, every third OpStage. Could, alternatively ignore the no use directly off of convoys. But, I enjoy the logistics friction of that as it seems to simulate fundamental reality.

CHANGE? [54.12] Dummy dumps are not revealed by bombing or strafing. Revealing by air is so trivial as to make subterfuge pointless.

CHANGE? [59.53] Dummy dumps may be placed in same hex as air facility. Hexes are big enough. Not sure why this rule exists. Seems arbitrary for no gain and reduces FoW.

ADDITION [42.3] There is unlimited supply of all types in Italy and Sicily (not Crete) that the Axis may fly to North Africa using Air Transport Missions. Similar to OCS games. Transports are valuable.

ADDITION Tripoli/Tunisia boxes have unlimited ammo to fire inherent Flak points. In addition to, as per rules; unlimited fuel/ammo/stores for aircraft maintenance and unlimited water for any purpose.

Zones of Control

To exert ZOC hex must have > 1 SP and > 9 Raw Def Close.

ADDITION Engaged Units may never, even if [10.26] friendly unit in hex, move directly EZOC to EZOC.

[10.23] CHANGE If all units exerting EZOC React away, moving units may continue movement.

[10.24] Reminder; may advance EZOC to EZOC into hex vacated due to Reaction, Retreat before Assault, or combat result.

[10.26] Friendly units negate EZOC for movement purposes. ADDITION the friendly negating unit must start and end the movement segment in the negated EZOC. prevents rapid chain of ZOC negation. Use continual movement!

[10.32] Hexes with only Guns, non-combat units, and/or pinned units need not attack hexes exerting EZOCs.


CHANGE entire section.

Land Barrage Pinned effects apply until the start of next Combat Segment (of a Continuous Movement cycle) or until the end of OpStage, whichever comes first.

Air Bombardment Pinned effects apply until end of OpStage.

Pinned Units

  • do not count towards ZOC [10.15]

  • may not voluntarily Break Off [8.6]

  • may not Barrage, use Offensive Close Assault, Anti-Armor, or Anti-Air [41.9-4]

  • may expend at most ½(frd) CPA on voluntarily purposes

  • apply cohesion loss for CP spent in excess of ½(frd) their CPA

  • are considered to have parenthesized Def Assault, ignore 25% limit [15.17]

  • are always included in losing side’s casualty calculation [15.12]

  • if all units on one side are pinned (and / or have parenthesized Close Assault); the other side ignores its first 20% casualties and pinned survivors are captured if they suffer 20+% casualties or any Overrun result [15.18].


  • Reaction or Retreat Before Assault

  • Withholding units to qualify for a [15.29] retreat

Not voluntary

  • Defensive Close Assault

  • Retreat [15.82]

Recon by Recce

ADDITION entire section Don’t know why Patrol is only allowed if no combat occurs… These rules are in addition to [16.0] Patrol. Recee have high CPA to scout around without slowing down main formation.

Only units listed in [16.11] and not prohibited by [16.15] or [16.17], hereafter “recce”, may recon. Each recce unit may recon at most one hex and each hex may be subject to at most one recon per OpStage. At most 2 TOE Pts may recon a hex. Targets of Recon may not have undergone any type of Barrage, Air Bombardment, or combat this OpStage.

At start, only, of Movement Segment phasing recce units may expend 2 non-movement CP + the movement CP/Breakdown to reach and return from an enemy occupied hex. Ignore EZOC but not enemy occupied hexes. No unit or TOE pt actually moves on map.

Expend the actual fuel and water used plus 1 ammo per TOE Pt. The patrolling TOE Pts (only) are subject to breakdown. ½(frd) of any breakdowns are placed adjacent to target hex. The remainder in origin hex. The CPs and breakdown points do not “bubble” up to any parent of recce unit.

Roll on [16.6] Patrol Survival adding +1 for each unnegated EZOC hex entered other than those of target. Roll on [16.8] Objective Loss Table.

If any recce TOE Pt survives, roll on [16.7] Patrol Reconnaissance and reveal units per [16.5].


[8.17] Non-motorized may voluntarily expend during their portion of OpStage at most 150% CPA. No movement if -26 or worse Cohesion.

Motorized vs non-motorized is confused in application to Terrain Effects Chart. [3.1] says “motorized unit” is a unit whose movement is produced by wheeled or tracked vehicles. Do we ignore 1st line trucks? What about infantry Div with attached tanks. Tracking CPA/BK separately for each type of unit is major PitA. If any vehicle makes unit motorized, then what unit doesn’t have some trucks attached?

INTERPRETATION 1st line attached trucks don’t count as motorized a formation motorized. Using trucks to motorize infantry TOE Pts does make formation motorized.

INTERPRETATION A Formation with mixed motorized and non-motorized elements uses the most expensive CPA cost for each hex and hexside. 1st line trucks don’t count as motorized. Except trucks may not pass prohibited to motorized terrain.

INTERPRETATION Various map inconsistencies (e.g. tiny bits of road extending into adjacent hex) will be ignored.

INTERPRETATION A battalion (1 SP of units) is required to capture Destroyed Tanks [14.52]. Aligning with truck capture rule.


Non-motorized units, SGSU, TDS, and Truck Convoys may not react unless stacked with a friendly combat unit that is reacting [8.53a].

To prevent target from reacting need all of:

  • 5+ CPA more than target

  • 2+ SP if target is 5SP “Div”

  • 1+ SP if target is 2-3SP “Bde”

Rail Movement

Is written way more complicated than needs be. [8.72] and [8.74] say largely same thing and conflict with [8.77].


  • In each direction may rail units OR supplies.

  • As [8.77] states units and supplies may be picked up/dropped off as long as total capacity is never exceeded.


All hexes undergo each step of “H.3 Combat Segment” before the next step is started. This is clear from [11.0] rules and SoP. Restating cause it’s often forgotten in play. It matters for multi-hex combat, Retreat Before Assault, and various tactical situations.

[10.31] Probe satisfies ZOC holding off only if basic differential is > -5.

[15.29] Can only withhold all units and retreat if path exists and is taken. I.e can’t stand and take 10-30% losses for hexes not retreated.

[15.35] Defender may benefit from only one hexside. But attacker is penalized for all hexsides [15.36].

CHANGE [15.81] Do not remove Engaged at end of OpStage. OpStage boundary is game artifact, why should units not remain locked in battle!?

INTERPRETATION + CHANGE [3.6] Revealed at end of combat:

  • TOE Pt types of guns, armor, and [3.21] unit types assigned to Anti-Armor

  • TOE Pt types of guns, armor, and [3.21] unit types assigned to Close Assault (or forced into it)

  • Presence of halftracks actively participating in Close Assault

Not revealed; the TOE strength, unit names/affiliations, unit id, hex(es) of origin, or damage allocations.

Multi-Hex Combat

[14.22] Anti-Armor - each hex is resolved individually. Sum all Phasing side’s Anti-Armor firing at that hex. Sum all non-Phasing side’s Anti-Armor firing in that hex.

[15.24] Limits multiple hexes Close Assaulting multiple defending hexes. The attacker may be required to make separate attacks (or Holding off Barrages). Remembering unit’s TOE Pts may be split to assault multiple, separate hexes.


[12.54] Barrage vs Dumps or AirFacs uses raw Barrage points on Bombload row, NOT the Barrage points row!!!

ADDITION Barrage vs targets down an escarpment receive R1 column shift. Inspired by OCS DAKII.

INTERPRETATION [12.33] It is unclear if terrain adjustments to Barrage are intended to apply to attacker. I rule that terrain does. In part because that is how every other war game I’m aware of does it and in part because [14.0] specifically says either player may be the attacker and/or defender. In other words, attacker / defender are not synonyms for phasing / non-phasing. Nor for Player “A”/”B”. So, when Barrage rules mention “defender” it means “the side undergoing Barrage” regardless of which is acting side.

Retreat Before Assault

Any non-Phasing Unit that is not Pinned may Retreat Before Assault. [13.1] If not adjacent to enemy, may may expend only 4 CP (or enough to move one hex) [13.24].

INTERPRETATION Does not follow the requirements of involuntary retreat [15.82]. Retreat Before Assault may be an “advance”. My reading of [13.27]

Combined Arms

[15.4] Minus one actual Close Assault Strength for every 1-3 unsupported tank TOE Pts.


From the 14.6 chart.

  • Phasing player decreases his dice roll by one row…”

  • Phasing player attacking down escarpment “(his forces may not be harmed)”

Clarification [14.32] Terrain shifts for Anti-Armor apply to both sides. Attacking through slope into mountain would be 3L to both sides fire. 14.0 says either player may be the attacker or defender. Also 11.4 chart says “Terrain may benefit either Player” but confusingly says non-phasing is benefited by enemy forces having to enter their hex.

CHANGE [14.43] An armor TOE Pt must be lost only if remaining Anti-Armor damage >= half lowest Protection rating. This stops few weak ass gun fire whacking Churchills. I’m annoyed Anti-Armor is just the sum. Not taking into account armor invulnerability and penetration which was big factor at start of campaign. PzII’s should do nothing against Churchill. Otoh, an 88 should not be able to whack way more Stuarts as Churchills. Shell doesn’t magically kill 3 Stuarts even if each has weaker armor. Not rewriting entire armored combat rules…

Close Assault Losses

[12.18] Guns used in Offensive Close Assault have Vulnerability rating halved(fru). Defensive Close Assault have full vulnerability.

[12.19] Guns used in Anti-Armor have Vulnerability rating of 2.

ADDITION Every gun TOE Pt used for Anti-Armor not “supported” by an infantry TOE Pt assigned to Close Assault adds their Off/Def Close Assault to [15.83b] for casualties. Extension of Combined Arms.

Overrun effects for Defender

  • losses are rounded up [15.83c]

  • all TOE Pts in hex, including all guns, add their Def Close to [15.83b] for casualties.

  • all Gun TOE Pts take Vulnerability losses [15.84c]

Clarification 15.83b says “Totals all Raw Combat Assault Strength Points involved in the assault.” The combat example has each side totalling their Close Assault points. Each side should total only their Close Assault points. Interesting effect to represent stronger force, inflicting more casualties. But combat differential and overrun already is doing this.

CHANGE Guns participating in Anti-Armor or Close Assault may be used to absorb Close Assault losses using their Def Close rating.

CHANGE [15.84b] A gun TOE Pt must be lost only if remaining Vulnerability points > lowest Vulnerability rating of susceptible guns. Mitgates, slightly, that you lose more guns the more Close Assault points you have. Gun losses should be proportional to number of guns used [needs playtesting].

ADDITION CHANGE [12.17] says only Non-phasing forward guns take Vulnerability losses. Which conflicts with combat example and if true, why reduce Vulnerability of Artillery used in Off Close Assault[12.18] or Anti-Armor?

The loser of Close Assault is the side that got overrun or retreated. Otherwise, loser is the side that received more % losses from [15.79] chart. If tied, both sides are the loser.

Only the losing side takes [15.84b] vulnerability losses for forward guns. Guns participating in Off Close Assault are at half vulnerability. Guns participating in Anti-Armor have vulnerability of 2.

Overrun effects still apply [15.83b, 15.83c, 15.84a, 15.84c]

Attacker still rounds up, defender rounds down (except for Overrun).

Defender still includes Pinned and RBA unit’s Close Assault values for casualties [15.83b].

Air War

CHANGE ADDITION entire section.

Many rules below refer to squadrons. A squadron is all aircraft from same SGSU on a particular mission. For the most part missions are flown by squadron. Recon, Transport being exceptions. Mostly to stop me from micro-managing missions to reach next column on Air Bombardment table.

Per [39.5] Air Mission Summary there is no Scramble Strategic Mission. This only affects CW aircraft on Malta.

Buried in [24.78] all hexes of Cairo are Airfields. Scenarios are all over the place regarding Cairo (and CW off-map) Airfields.

[41.33] No Flak Destruction missions. Is too easy to wack TOE Pts. Instead, successful [41.37] Fortification reduction also destroys 1 pure Flak TOE pt, if any, in target hex. May fly that mission vs non-fort to target Flak.

[34.84] Spread aircraft out more evenly but still keep them in squadrons. So, the 53xSM79 in squadrons across Turns. But, the 5xZ501 all arriving in same Turn.

Aircraft Characteristic Changes

A distinction is made between Attack Bombers and Level Bombers. The later were mostly not used to carpet bomb troops.

Attack Bombers include:

  • All dive bombers

  • All fighter bombers

  • Baltimore, Boston, Maryland

  • Ba.88, Ca.311, Ju.88D

  • Fw.200C only vs Commonwealth Fleet

All others are Level Bombers. As are any Attack Bombers flying night missions.

Ju87B/D are only German dive bombers that may do [39.2] “Dual” missions. Because Hitler was an idiot, almost all German aircraft were designed to be dive bomb “capable”. Few models actually trained for or dived operationally.

The Ro.37bis, Ar. 196 & Hs. 126 may only fly Recon missions. Theoretically they could carry bombs but operationally were just recon aircraft. The Arado actually shot down bombers, but not in this theater afaik.

Fw. 200C 100% Must be based in Italy, Sicily, or Crete. Add “1 or 5” (no paradrop) transport capacity. May conduct Flak Suppression missions only against Commonwealth Fleet. It may combine Flak Suppression with Bombing CW fleet. Known for maritime recon, anti-shipping, and transport. Can’t find any info on North Africa operations during this time frame. Later it did some bombing of land and harbor mining, poorly.

Add Recon to Baltimore capabilities cause the real “1437 RAF Strategic Recon squadron” flew them.

Add Recon to Blenheim IV cause some were used for that and with sighting rules allies need more recon.

Allies may form two (three after GT55) Recon Squadrons. These may contain Spitfire VB and/or Hurricane I/IIA/IIB. Aircraft in these squadrons may and may only fly Transfer, Recon and DCAP for Recon missions. Historical.

The original designers just translated the paper specs. Like the above recon aircraft bomb loads. Or the Ju. 87D, which could carry 4x the B model but that was a extremely short range and (probably) rarely used load out. Ju. 88 The D model was the recon version… What other “mistakes” exist? I don’t know the allied aircraft as well. I’m reluctant to make significant changes.

Bomb carrying ability was nearly quadrupled from 500 kg in the B-version to
1,800 kg in the D-version (max. load for short ranges, overload condition),
a typical bomb load ranged from 500-1,200 kg.
-- Griehl, Manfred (2001). Junker Ju 87 Stuka. London/Stuttgart: Airlife/Motorbuch. ISBN 1-84037-198-6.


Interception and scramble are by squadron.

In place of Air ZOC, OCAP squadrons not already in a hex with enemy aircraft must choose one hex containing enemy aircraft within six hexes and attempt to intercept them by rolling d6 greater than or equal the range to target hex. +1drm if target hex is less than or equal to ½ OCAP’s range from OCAP’s base. Each squadron may make only one interception roll.

Scrambled aircraft are considered to be on OCAP. They may not intercept again.


Only fighters on DCAP count for screen [45.32].

All fighters on DCAP in hex are grouped together and screen all non-CAP aircraft in hex. Even if those aircraft “flew into” hex without an escort.

Fighters on missions other than CAP are screened.

DCAP is for escorting other aircraft, only. Fly OCAP to “defend” a facility, fleet, etc. Also, fighters on other missions, Straffing for example, are too busy doing that to escort bombers.

Air to Air

Only fighters on OCAP may initiate air combat.

Per hex with air combat:
  1. All OCAP have air combat with all enemy OCAP/DCAP in hex, if any

  2. Surviving OCAP in excess of surviving enemy CAP may (must if there was no enemy CAP) have air combat with any aircraft on non-CAP missions in hex, including fighters

A fighter may jettison its bombs or drop tanks at any time during air combat. Potentially providing better stats and an unparenthesized Tac Air.

At most four fighters may gang up on one defender.

Fighter vs Fighter:
Shots are sequential; first better pilots, then the outnumbered fighter, then better maneuver, then better Tac Air differential
Fighter vs Non-Fighter:
Non-Fighter fires first at each attacking fighter

Changes to Sequence after Air-to-Air

  1. Resolve flak vs aircraft flying Recon missions

  2. Resolve Recon missions

  3. Roll for semi-sighted aborts

  4. Check for friendly fire

  5. Resolve flak vs aircraft flying non-Recon missions

  6. Resolve non-Recon missions


[46.16] “Tanks” includes any unit with AA points lacking Flak symbol. These may use their AA points against any Attack Bomber flying Strafing or Bombing missions.

Planes flying CAP are not subject to Flak.

Groups are:

  • daytime Level Bombers by mission

  • nighttime Level Bombers by mission

  • daytime Attack Bombers by mission (strafing/dive bombing are counted as one mission for this purpose)

If the number of planes in mission group cause shifts past end of [46.3] table, apply results from 37+ column and, using same die roll, also apply results from column as if excess shifts wrapped around to beginning of table.

Example: 48 planes, 3 column shifts, with 33..36 flak points. A roll of 48 would inflict 4 hits, 3 from 37+ column and 1 from 5…8 column.

Land Recon

This Recon/sighting system is really only for solo play.

Ignore [42.25], recon may be flown regardless of any Air Bombardment missions.

  • Recon may be intercepted by existing OCAP.

  • Recon may be escorted by DCAP.

  • Only Heavy Flak may fire at Recon Missions. Commonwealth fleet is not Heavy.

  • Sighting effects last throughout current OpStage.

  • Add one (total) to [42.27] die roll if target hex is less than or equal to ½ recon’s range.

recon vs Personnel
# > 0; Personnel as a whole is sighted, 1st line trucks sighted.
# of individual Bn/Coy [3.22] unit type and ~TOE strength of each battalion is revealed in armor, infantry, gun order. These may be specifically targeted by air missions (rather than random roll).
recon vs Truck Convoy
# > 0; Convoy sighted.
# > 2; total truck count to nearest 10 is revealed.
recon vs Commonwealth Fleet
# > 0; all ships sighted and the counts of ship classes BB/CA+CL/DD is revealed.
recon vs Dump
# > 0; Dump is semi-sighted with X = 3 + #.
recon vs Air Facility (including any on Malta)
# > 0; reveal current level of airfield.
# of SGSU’s aircraft base model (e.g. bf109 not E/F/G) is revealed.


Strafing and Air Bombardment targets must be sighted. Target types that are always sighted:

  • Targets of Flak Suppression mission

  • Targets in major cities

  • Formations that are Engaged

  • Port/Harbor, Road, Railroad, Flak Destruction, Fortification (including city levels), Temp Repair Facility, Air Facility, Water Pipeline

All others must be sighted by recon or roll for being semi-sighted; after all Air Recon resolved, each squadron must roll d6 <= X or be aborted.

Each target’s X is calculated individually:
X = SP; Unit/Truck Stacking Points in hex or 0 if greater than 12 hexes from “front line”
X = # / 10; 1st Line Trucks in hex
X = 2; Commonwealth Fleet; +2 if in hex with Axis unit, +1 if BB present
X = 0; Supply Dump but see recon above
+1 for each adjacent friendly occupied hex exerting ZOC on target hex
+1 in oasis, bir, village, fortification, or on a road (i.e. not Off-Road)

Hex with 5SP Div and 1SP Bn, no modifiers. A roll of 6 would abort squadron targeting Div, and of 2-6 if targeting Bn.

Friendly Fire

Strafe Infantry [40.61], Strafe Trucks [40.62], Strafe Tanks [40.65], Bomb Personnel [41.31], Bomb Trucks [41.32] missions adjacent to friendly Formations risk friendly fire. Checked per mission prior to Flak. Divebomb + strafe counts as one mission.

If d6 <= X then that number of mission squadrons must target adjacent, randomly determined friendly targets of same type. If not possible, squadron aborts instead.

Level Bombers:
X is the number of adjacent, friendly occupied hexes
+2 if target is Engaged
Attack Bombers and Strafing:
X is the number of adjacent, friendly occupied hexes that contain Engaged Formations
+1 if target is Engaged


Terrain adjustments for Barrage also apply to Strafing.

Max two squadrons per Parent Formation, Air Facility, Convoy, Dump, Port, or Pipe in hex.

strafe vs Infantry:
Roll for semi-sighted aborts
Unless specifically sighted, each squadron targets random Bn/Coy/Replacements in hex
Instead of TacAir, 1 point per aircraft (2 per if TacAir >= 5)
strafe vs Armor:
Roll for semi-sighted aborts
Unless specifically sighted, each squadron targets random Bn/Coy/Replacements in hex
Calculate 2 points per aircraft
strafe vs Trucks (Convoy or 1st Line):
Roll for semi-sighted aborts
Randomly determine trucks and cargoes hit
Calculate full TacAir
strafe vs Grounded Aircraft:
Always sighted
Calculate ½(frd) TacAir
strafe vs Supply Dumps:
Roll for semi-sighted aborts
Calculate ½(frd) TacAir
strafe vs Ports:
Always sighted
Add ½(frd) TacAir to Bombardment points
strafe vs Water Pipe:
Always sighted.
Calculate ½(frd) TacAir

Air Bombardment

Terrain adjustments for Barrage also apply to Air Bombardment.

Squadrons assigned to the same mission type, in the same hex beyond four halve their bombardment points. N/A to Naval Convoy bombing.

bomb vs Personnel:
Level Bombers apply two column shifts left
Target all personnel in hex, roll for semi-sighted aborts
bomb vs Truck Convoy:
Level Bombers apply two column shifts left
Roll for semi-sighted aborts
bomb vs 1st line Trucks:
Only Attack Bombers
Roll for semi-sighted aborts
bomb vs Commonwealth Fleet:
Only Attack Bombers and Torpedo Bombers [30.32]
Roll for semi-sighted aborts
Roll once for entire hex, alternate applying losses, attacker first
bomb vs Supply Dump:
Roll for semi-sighted aborts

Dates to Remember

GT1 Sept 1940
[19.25] Allied armor org: I
[49.3] Allied 9% Evaporation & Spillage rate
[43.1] 75% He111, Ju88D, FW200 must be based in Italy, or Sicily
GT2 [60.45] Earliest the Commonwealth fleet may sortie
GT7 [34.83] Start rolling for Allied and Italian pilots
GT12/II Matruh -> Selby Force see org sheet

GT15 Welcome to 1941
GT19 [19.25] Allied armor org: II
GT20 [31.0] Rommel arrives
GT21/III Disband Selby Force
GT23 [34.83] Start rolling for German pilots
GT29 [34.83] Pilot Marseilles arrives
GT31 [4.49] German Tanks now BAR 0
GT32 [56.14] Greece shipping lanes open
GT35 [43.1] 50% He111, Ju88D, FW200 must be based in Crete, 25% in Crete, Italy, or Sicily.
[55.17] Start attempts to open Bizerta
GT39 [30.4] First possible date for execution of the 10th Light Flotilla Raid
[20.5] Recce upgrade
ADDITION First possible date for invasion of Malta.
GT47 [49.3] Allied 6% Evaporation & Spillage rate
GT58 [5Leichte org sheet] 21Div HQ replaced 5th light

GT63 Welcome to 1942
[4.49] 7.5cm and 75/27 guns have AT rating
GT68 Armor attachments (from Turn Track, no clue?)
GT71 [19.25] Allied armor org: III
GT72 [2Arm org sheet] 1st Armored Bde may be used as armored Bde again!
GT75 [19.9] Allies may Infantry AT upgrade
[19.8] Axis ad hoc AT batteries (Turn Track conflicts with rule)
GT87 [20.77] Allies may start 1/2 Infantry upgrade
GT89 July 1942 Start of Stalingrad Offensive
GT92 [19.25] Allied armor org: IV
[Unassigned Arty org sheet] RHA Bishop Refit
GT99 [34.83] Stop rolling for pilots
GT104 Nov 1942 Operation Torch
GT105 Nov 1942 Operation Uranus

GT111 Welcome to 1943
6th Army at Stalingrad all but destroyed, Guadalcanal lost, North Africa all but lost. Axis be f**ked yo!