from sg1 1-8 puzzle, put 8 stones in order, on stones is 1-6 mirrored imaged.
from sg1 a holographic warrior and sword, whovever touches sword first must then fight warrior alone, hologrpahs can’t be hurt by others, and others can’t use w eapon, only weapon can hurt hologram. try to get non-fighter to touch.
use envelope with loot cards for kill, chest
dwarves ancestor worship, ancestors get vote, one each cast by proxy living
decendent, living people have no votes
Basilicus is an exhaustive experiment in massive worldbuilding projects. A one-stop shop of resources for fantasy, sci-fi, and real world building for use in games, fiction, and education, Basilicus is an easy-to-use wiki that is perfectly free to use for both commercial and non-commercial needs!
====== Resolution Mechanic ======
There’s a set of|”Zener cards”, the GM picks one, and you get one guess per skill rank what it is. If you guess right, your psychic power works. Brilliant.
====== Initiative Mechanic ======
More meta game player managment.
Sequential, unique numbered tokens/cards for each player/npc or group of less importants. Pass out tokens at begining of scene/story/combat/round etc. Each player has specific point in which to act/be the center of story/etc. Only them and only then.
Note this is more like fate than reaction/initiative. During combat characters are assumed to be thrusting, parrying, getting hit, etc. The token represents the moment; archer has clear shot, fate has granted an opening to inflict serious blow, etc.
===== Additions =====
Joker can be used anytime/ lessons nice player management.
To represent luck/quick reaction players draw tokens. Those players with benifits draw first and draw 2 tokens returning one.
====== Action Mechanic ======
Represent the heros are more center of action than henchmen and mooks. In movie terms main charactors get lots of scenes, minors do get to be center of action just not often.
Lessors (henchmen, mooks) get action token every x rounds. Main characters get action token every round. Proly no need for actual token. Tokens do not accumulate. Lessors turn in there token to act. This could possibly take place of main characters(leader of lessors) action that round.
====== Mechanic ======
Instead of individual minratures use 1 for whole group and smaller scale maps
====== Pattern Master Class ======
[Loosely inspired by pattern/weave from “Wheel of Time” series by FIXME]
Pattern Master: Magic user that can manipulate fate/time/luck/history(aka the pattern) implimented by allowing player to manipulate game mechanics like dice rolls.
They don’t work well when more than pattern master in same area.
Must rest after using magic. Rest must be in area where pattern is not being meddled with.
Can’t use pattern magic to alter your own pattern magic results / effects.
Spell “tug thread” - This is the primary magic. Reroll some dice, howmany, whoose dice, which dice determine level/power of magic.
Spell “I planned for this” - Target of magic acts first regardless of initiative
Spell “Reweave” aka “No I didn’t” - Target of magic can take back some action. e.g. opening door that sets off trap. GM is free to alter/remove the trap in that case.
Spell “Here it is” - Target of magic always had some object that they didn’t specifically state they have/picked up but could reasonably have.
Spell “My eyes are grey” - Target of magic can alter some minor item in their player sheet. Doesn’t change the past.
Spell “Unravel” - Most powerfull magic, removes thread(s) from pattern. Is how the Pattern Master guild was accidently eliminated.