Tariq of the Kaldun Majid Chris Waltrip cwaltrip@gmail.com
Fighter, Cousin of Djinn
Kaldun Majid:
This militaristic clan has been heavily influenced by Fist. Many of their
members have moved to Qatrun cities. Their warriors serve as scouts and
merchanar amoung the armies of Fist. They live by hunting, herding, and
raiding other clans.
Their tribal garb includes a red turban with black trim.
Traveled with cousin west through the Ma’Basht mtn pass to the trade city of
Kahta(many Babrem, Humans of the Old Kingdom, other peoples. It was once a
province/colony of the Old Kingdom). From there got passage with a “fleet”
of three Darsian trade ships going south along the coast to Patrae and
Beroea(both Pelosian Empire controlled).
Along the way one of the ships was lost to Utbah(orc) pirate raiders. Your
and your cousin’s bows greatly aided the escape of the other two vessels.
In thanks captain, Tita Vopisca, of your ship, the “Laughing Siren”, said
that to find the beasts you hunt as well as adventure and fame you must “get
to the frontier”. These days Scupi province(a colony of Peols Minor) is
the place to go. Only trading North-South between Darsis and Beroea she
couldn’t take you there. Instead she helped you find a ship in Beroea going
that way(which is uncommon) and convince the Pelosian captain/crew that
there are advantages to having barbarians from the Dune Seas on board.
Killing time waiting for the ship to be loaded you run into a Babrem from
the Thukiri tribe(guardians of the oasises across the Dune Seas). Stunned
and happy to find someone from “home” you tell him of your trip and plans to
continue towards Scupi. He asks to to come along and it would be an insult
to refuse. He spends much time meditating or praying and interacts rarely
with anyone.
The trip was uneventful. After arriving you wasted no time leaving the
claustrophobic caves of Scupi. Tarrying only long enough to buy camels,
supplies and find a caravan heading east to Silvertown. Around cooking
fires the first couple days you heard old miner’s tales of a terrible beast
that lives in stone and eats metals and gems. Also descriptions of creatures
never hunted or even heard of in the Dune Seas; Ashworm, Giant Desert
Tortoises, and the fabled Sphinx. The last caused ridicule of the the Ka’im
who mentioned it as the others know it’s nothing but a myth used to scare
children into behaving.
1st session “Deadly Desert part1”
The caravan is escorted by nine Pelosian soldiers on horses who are dressed
in black with sandy yellow cloaks and black and yellow crested helmets. You
are more comfortable around the Ka’im(orcs) laborers than the elitist and
sneering Pelosians. Still you and your cousin keep mostly to yourselves.
Travel is fast at first along a road of stone the likes of which you have
never seen. Early the 4th night you pass a large crew of Pelosian
and Ka’im building the road. Beyond this the barely visible track is rough
and filled with stones. The caravan’s speed is cut in half. Late on the
7th night the caravan is ambushed by ??? You never see the attackers.
You are tracked and attacked by “sand hunters”, some sort of pack
carnivore. Vicious on the attack but easily killed or driven away. The
Thukiri (Qazir) plucks out one of their eyeballs and eats it.
2nd session “Deadly Desert part2”
You stumble on a “forest” of limbless, leafless, trees made of stone.
Many of which are toppled and broken. You didn’t have time to figure out
if they had been carved or were the result of some sorcery before being
ambushed by hyena men. You are badly injured and expect to be reclaimed by
the sands.
Then you have a bizarre dream. All the people you’ve been leading across
the wasts are there, in some sort of oasis. The ground is covered with
green grass and surrounded by tall leafy woods. The oasis was crawling with
Pelosians, flying, appearing out of nowhere, and performing other foul
arcane acts(Fist/Babrem are slightly against arcane magic). Stranger still
were the many magical beasts and constructs flying, crawling, rolling and
walking everywhere.
Inexplicity you can now read the words carved into the pillars of this
building. Although little of it is more than nonsense. After solving the
riddles a human(a Pelosian?) dressed in unusual green cloths (like nothing
you have heard of, pants, shirt, many pockets) appears*, looks at each of you
and then says “Don’t open the Flakarg, argh! The seal, don’t open the
seal.” Then looks over his shoulder and disappears. [* he doesn’t
actually appear, he’s sort of glowing and a bit transparent. It’s what you
always thought the Statue of Light that the Fist and your cousin are always
talking about would look like. Hlark god of Fist appeared long ago as a
statue of light and told the Qatrun the law,science,etc of Hlark]
You awake to find yourself fully healed but surrounded by Pelosian soldiers
dressed like the caravan guards. They demand your surrender. The manacles
the clamp on your wrists are enchanted to prevent you from talking or
seeing, but you can hear. Transported on horse back for two and half days
to some camp or town. After spending the night the next day you travel by
wagon to what sounds like a large town.