Have guest npc’s, evil overlord
- Riddles
In the first place, something you should know,
It was said to start a tale of woe.
Now its eyes are sometimes said
To gleam from fallen blocks instead.
Sometimes fatal its cool embrace,
Sometimes deadly its pointed taste.
A healer’s staff is tightly wrapped,
A charming way to earn your pay.
A snake
Like a Kraken rising from the foam,
A spear embedded in its heart,
It journeys low inside the home,
With soaking kisses to impart.
Its tentacles all waving low,
It leaves behind a gleaming path
Becomes bedraggled as it goes
And then it plunges in a bath.
When it’s done with the dip,
It’s throttled to release its grip.
Voiceless it cries,
Wingless it flutters,
Toothless bites,
Mouthless mutters.
Answer: The wind
It has a golden head and a golden tail but it’s body is nowhere to be found.
Answer: Gold coin
As light as a feather, but you can’t hold it for ten minutes.
Answer: Your breath
The man who made it didn’t need it.
The man who bought it didn’t use it.
The man who used it didn’t want it.
Answer: A coffin
Red eagle regiment
Puzzle all directions and diagonals == 15
- Monsters
3,6,12 Abeil Bee People MMII
11 MMII Juggernaut serpent king uses
2 Loxo elephant people MMII
1-7 MMII myconid fungus people
4 Yak Folk MMII
7 Nimblewright MMII - shapechange construct spy/infiltrator
Monsters of Legend MMII template pg 214
1 Ash Rat - MMII magical on fire rat
1/2 orc
1/3 skeleton
1 Gnoll
1 Grimlock
2 Needlefolk MMII huminad cactus plants
2 Hippogriff - magical
2 Vargulle
2 Dire Hawk MMII
2 stone spike MMII - elemental earth
1,3 Fungus
1,3,5,7 Raggamoffyn MMII constructs from junk
3 Automon - MMII pelos machines
3 Giant Owl
3-6-10 Firelizard (salamander)
3 Ogre
3 cockatrice - magical
3 Dire Wolf
3 Boggle - pest
3 Fire bat MMII elemental
4 Griffon - magical
4 Harpy can have class lvls
4 displacer beast 12 pack lord
4 Dire Boar
4 Skeleton Chimera
3,5,7,9 elementals
4 Minotaur
4-9 Hydra - magical
5 Spawn of Kyuss MMII - undead
5 Dire Snake MMII
5 Manticore - magical
5 Dire Lion
5 Green Hag
5 Achaierai flightless bird
5 Chain Golem MMII
5,10,13 Golems MMII
6 Annis Hag
6 Belker - Smoke air elemental
6 Lamia - magical bad lion
6 Catoblepas - MMII abberation in swamp
6,7,8,9 Legendary creatures MMII
7 Medusa
7,8,9 Sphinxs - magical
7 Dire Bear
7 Chimera magical
7 Dragonne - magical
7 Hill Giant
7 Breathdrinker - MMII air elemental
7 Darktenticles MMII - swamp
7 Scorpian folk MMII pg 221
8 Gorgon - magical
9 Night Hag
8,13 Lammasu good lion protector
8 Behir - huge magical beast
9 Dune Stalker MMII
9 Yrthak - huge magical beast
9 Roc
9 Braxats - MMII large mtn/desert hunters
10 Dire Elephant MMII
10 Rakshasa
10 Bronze Serpent - MMII construct
10 Spell Weaver MMII - kick ass 6 arms
12 Elemental Weirds MMII
Titantic creatures Kj MMII template pg 217
Chimeric creatures Kj MMII template pg 206
Death Knight Kj MMII template pg 208
1 Bladelings - MMII Kj foot troops
3 Howler - Kj pack, quills, howl
3 Grell MMII - Kj floating beaked brains with tenticles
3 Grick - Kj worm w/ tenticles
3 phantom fungus - mobile invisoa
3 Fihyr MMII - Kj horror
4,5,7,9 clockwork horros MMII - kj captured pelos constructs tainted
5 Shadow mastiff - Kj
5 Rast - Kj
5 Nightmare - other elements besides fire, frost, ligting, acid
5 Spider Eater - Kj mounts magical
6 Tendriculos - Kj Huge plant
6 Shambling Mound - Kj
6 Gauth - Kj 6eyed beholder
6 Digester - Kj
6 Hook Horror MMII Kj
7 Phasm - ameoba shapechange
7 Chaos Beast - Kj
8+ mindflayer as Kj queen
8 Destrachan - Kj large abberations
9 Bodak - Kj undead, death gae
10 Avolakia - Kj MMII
Kaenus in the Balance
[Silvertown, Scupi Province, Judgement Day 1025]
- Session notes
Session #5 Ophidian’s burried temple part2
awesome player notes.
leave temple, here explosion, nodule hitting shield, elevator broken dead
meet pei pang, lucisous raven that gets fucked by psedo dragon.
encounter rhino in town, deal with it.
go to silvertown
different name -> went to farther
Ian’s homeland is on island off big southern city. city area overrun island last refuge, like alexander and T town, kjore builds land bridge cause pelos owns sea
- scorpians in bedding
detect Kjore
bane Kjore
What are your tow bonus class skills?
handle animal,
house majid
What are your tow bonus class skills?
sense motive and knowledge: geography
nature and geography
Knows all poisons from known families that you can craft.
Can craft known poison if DC is < 20+skill mod(tmp bonus not applicable).
Can learn other poison from a sample with Craft check DC is poison DC+5,
sample is used up.
Need equipment 100gp(base), 400gp(base) for masterwork(+2 craft). Can use alchemy lab
instead which provides +2 craft.
1 week make Craft Check(can take 10)
fail by > 5 raw materials are ruined
fail by > 10 exposed to poison
success result x craft DC = gp worth of poison
Poison Foot - 10’ range increment, ranged touch, if target entangled poison
affects them. Contact poison + 40gp(base) + DC27 Alchemy Check.
Bag of goo to deliver contact poison - 10’ range increment, ranged
touch/splash weapon(5’ of target has 50% chance of exposure with +4
circumstance bonus to save), just poison no entangling, safe(no chance of
self-poisoning until thrown). Contact poison + 20gp(base) + DC25 Alchemy
Poison Smoke Stick - 10’ cube of poison smoke. inhalation poison + 20gp(base)
+ DC22 Alchemy Check.
You may be able to research a colorless poison smoke stick.
This family includes poisons brewed from typical species of scorpions along
with those discovered among the more monstrous versions. Most scorpion poisons
cause Strength damage.
Brawnpincer: Large scorpion venom; black, oily, liquid with bitter smell; scorpionida family; injury DC 18; 1d6 Str / 1d6 Str; Craft DC 23; Price 575 gp; Exposure DC 15.
Desert Remorse: Ground dire scorpion chitin; odorless, light brown powder; scorpionida family; ingestion DC 13; none / 3d6 Str permanent drain; Craft DC 17; Price 136 gp; Exposure DC 2. This poison enjoys the benefits of the Mute Poison feat; this quality has no effect on its Craft DC.
Wasting Dunes: Filtered jester scorpion ichor; thin, red liquid with faint odor of cinnamon; scorpionida family; contact DC 23; none / 1d20 Str; Craft DC 35; Price 2,450 gp; Exposure DC 31
This family includes poisons brewed from typical species of snakes along with
those discovered among the more monstrous versions. Most snake poisons cause
Constitution damage.
Darkling Tongue: Concentrated black adder venom; black, watery liquid that smells like coffee; serpente family; injury DC 11; 1d6 Con / 1d6 Con; Craft DC 16; Price 128 gp; Exposure DC 8.
Flamestrike: Extracted flamestrike rattler venom; clear, odorless liquid; serpente family; injury DC 26; 2d8 Str / 2d8 Str; Craft DC n/a; Price 1,550 gp; Exposure DC 24. The venom of the flamestrike rattler cannot be brewed from raw materials. It can only be milked from a live snake, which requires a Handle Animal check DC 30
Viper’s Kiss: Kippered gray viper muscle; pink threads with gamy smell; serpente family; ingestion DC 18; 3 Con permanent drain / 3 Con permanent drain; Craft DC 20; Price 300 gp; Exposure DC 4.
Poisons in this family are processed from naturally
occurring rocks and minerals. Their qualities are as
varied as their source material. Due to the relatively
lower amount of refining required to create them,
mineral poisons enjoy a -1 modifier to their Craft
Representative poisons: Buckling Breath, Ungol
Dust, and Wisp of Pallstone.
Poisons in this family are brewed from mildews,
molds, mushrooms, and many others. Most fungus
poisons have low potency but high toxicity.
Representative poisons: Gray Stalker, Kakophage,
Striped Toadstool, and Truffle Dirge.
When Su
store posion comes out with thorn
What are your two bonus class skills?
special unit, here with 2 others, report to Kirphis.
investigate sunesh changling,
investigate ruins
scupi is point of convergence