====== Languages of the Known World and Beyond ======
Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Terran, Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, Sylvan, from the Players
Handbook are other available languages. Celestial, Abyssal, and Infernal are
unknown. There is no common.
== Human ==
Spoken widely throughout the former Old Kingdom.
== Ancient ==
Found in pre-cataclysm ruins around the Old Kingdom and Fist. This
is mostly a written language as native speakers have been dead for millenia.
== Pelosian ==
What Pelosians speak naturally enough. It is the most common “2nd language”
in the known world.
== Elder Pelosian ==
Found in pre-cataclysm ruins around Pelos and western Old Kingdom. It obvious
precursor to Pelosian and close enough that it has been revived as a living
language. Used often for arcane texts, and by wealthy Pelosians.
== Qadir ==
Language of the Qatrun and Babrem. Although the Babrem have several
distinct dialects.
== Khemish ==
(this is “orc”)
Spoken with slight variation by the Zafar, Utbah, and Ka’im tribes.
== Sunesh ==
Language of Sunesh.
== Gnomish ==
Spoken by Pelosian forest and hill gnomes.
== Dwarvish ==
Extremely rare for anyone but Dwarves to know.
== Kjorian ==
Increasingly taught in Pelos and Fist. (Know thy enemy) Note: this is the
language spoke by priestesses and commanders of Kjore and serves as a sort of
common tongue for the many multitude of peoples, humanoids, and monsters that
comprise the horde.
== Tu’an ==
Language spoken by the strange visitors from the Far West. Rare and estoiric
langauage to know.