

Player/Character ________________________ 15 Attributes - 10 Qualites - 15 skills - 20 Drama Fill out an NPC for every member of your family that matters, best friends, etc. fears, likes, dislikes, friends, enemies, family, beliefs, skills, qualities, drawbacks, 1. Origins Birthday ___________ Attributes(___) Str ___ Dex ___ Con ___ Int ___ Per ___ Will ___ Gender: _____ Complexion, hair/eye colors, build: Culture/Race/Genealogy: Family Structure & names(e.g single mom): Family social class: Aspect: Skills/Qualities/Drawbacks: 2. Childhood/Elementary 2092-2098 In School/home schooled? Schooled Elsewhere? Attributes(___) Str ___ Dex ___ Con ___ Int ___ Per ___ Will ___ Aspect: Major Changes: Grew up with: Skills/Qualities/Drawbacks: 3. Middle School 2199-00 (Also at Julia Butterfly) In School? Schooled Elsewhere? Attributes(___) Str ___ Dex ___ Con ___ Int ___ Per ___ Will ___ Aspect: Major Changes: Sport/Extra-curricular: Fall - elective: Spring - elective: New years eve 2100: I hung out with: Skills/Qualities/Drawbacks: 4. Freshman Year 2101 In School? Schooled Elsewhere? Attributes(___) Str ___ Dex ___ Con ___ Int ___ Per ___ Will ___ Aspect: Major Changes: Sport/Extra-curricular: Fall - elective: Spring - elective: I hung out with: Skills/Qualities/Drawbacks: 5. Sophomore Year 2102 In School? Schooled Elsewhere? Attributes(___) Str ___ Dex ___ Con ___ Int ___ Per ___ Will ___ Aspect: Major Changes: Sport/Extra-curricular: Fall - elective: Spring - elective: I hung out with: Skills/Qualities/Drawbacks: 6. Junior Year 2103 (it is march 2103 now) If your not at Butterfly High, what are you doing? Attributes(___) Str ___ Dex ___ Con ___ Int ___ Per ___ Will ___ Aspect: Major Changes: Sport/Extra-curricular: Fall - elective: Spring - elective: Skills/Qualities/Drawbacks: ——————————————————————————————— Beliefs: Moral / Cultural / Spiritual / Patriotic Morals: Attitude: Lifestyle: Goals/Fantasies: Long term / short term