About Norm’s Games Site
This is my, Norman J. Harman Jr, personal collection of tabletop game “stuff”. Things I like to have accessible, to reference in discussions and to share with with peoples with similar interests.
Some of the content consists of my notes, ramblings, ideas and articles. Also archived here are projects and content produced by others. This is to preserve them from disappearing off the internet and make them easy for me to find. “Plain”, without FoF navigation, etc., pages are probably created by someone else.
If you are the copyright holder of material on this site and do not wish it to be distributed please accept my apologies. Then email njharman@gmail.com and I will remove it.

Had plans of delusional grandeur when I got these two domains https://www.friendorfoe.com/ and www.friendorfoe.net (which I no longer own). Never seemed to have the time to do anything. Well, finally something is here.
Nov 2021 - Added YouTube, updated for having moved to Tucson.
Feb 2020 - Slowly fixing formatting, links, adding to /d downloads, culling garbage and copyrighted things. Added /osr Old School Revival resource page/
Jan 2020 - Added many Image Galleries of magazine covers, personal photos, scans of old natural history books.
Dec 2019 - Found all this stuff. Moved most of it to Nikola based friendorfoe site I recently (re)started.
Intervening years - Website down, Dropbox then Google Drive reduced need for putting stuff on interwebs. I moved to Seattle, then Austin. Lots of game playing. Lots of posting on Troll and Flame Blog.
Jul 2007 - Actually made Django app live on the internet.
Jun 2006 - Adding bunches of content to Dirt Campaign.
May 2006 - Started work on Django Application to parse the existing dokuwiki files, with functionality and aesthetics I desire. I ended up changing the syntax quite a bit.
Nov 2005 - Converted this site and dded tons of content to dokuwiki but never published it. Dokuwiki is great, but I really want something slightly different from a standard wiki.
Oct 2004 - Converted make mess to an aap less of a mess. I now use svn inplace of cvs and it roXors! Added Seattle game groups. Small updates to other content. Renabled and added source downloads. Added bunch of Fudge downloads.
??? 2004 - Added my GameStorm, Portland trip, Fudge, and mirrored some other articles. Started new Buffy the Vampire Slayer campaign. Major structure reorganization, more changes to use CSS2, cosmetics.
Mar 2003 - Added the second article of mine published in Fudge Factor. Updated convention info. Added the “About this site” blurb above, updated software used and abused, fixed the source download.
Jan 2003 - Well, finally moving this from my test server, to a place people can actually reach it. Still, mostly a skeleton.
Nov 2002 - Wrote all the Cheetah templates, learned GNU make and had a terrible time getting things to work. But, voila, a site is born.