1. 39 Supernatural Weather Event Ideas
* Tsunami. Preceded by a violent earthquake, everyone knows
it’s coming to shore; time is running out to evacuate
everyone before it hits.
Also, the water level drops to create the huge swell. The
lowered sea level reveals parts of the sea bed not usually
seen from the beach. What if it revealed a sunken ship or a
castle? How much time is there to investigate before the
tsunami hits?
The tsunami is driven by a supernatural horse that is
trapped in the waves. Now is his chance to try to rush upon
the land and get free. It is said that the right horserider,
catching the wave, might assist the creature in escaping.
The horse is actually an evil god/demon/devil trapped in the
waves by retribution of a sea god; the villain of the
campaign is trying to free the horse; the PCs need to help
people escape, stop the villain from freeing/allying himself
with the horse demon, and not get killed when the tsunami
hits. Good times.
* It’s raining tanglefoot bags. During late spring storms, a
certain tree saturates the air with sticky seeds. Storm
rains gel with the seeds to create a temporary glue. After
the storm, as things dry, the seed water congeals, trapping
anything in it. This effect is especially dangerous if pools
are trapped in large fronds and other places that can be
accidentally disturbed, resulting in fast entrapment even
days after a storm.
* Thunderstones. A certain storm carries hail that emits
deafening booms when it strikes hard surfaces.
* The unlocking. Once a year or so a dense fog rolls in that
has the strange power to magically open all but the most
difficult locks. Mechanisms mysteriously spring open,
tumblers turn, and rods move, making people very insecure.
* Fireballs. What GM can resist weather that throws random
fireballs around? Fortunately, during fireball storms, the
flames are fuelled solely by storm energy and quickly snuff
out after impact, thereby leaving just impact points and
* Random thoughts. A hot wind blows infrequently from the
east that seems to pick up the thoughts of those it passes.
Trained listeners can pick out carried thoughts, and masters
of the art can even identify who a thought came from through
* A tornado that does very little wind damage but sucks
things up and deposits them in another location or
* Undead fog. On a certain night, when the time of year and
moon phase is just right, a fog will emanate from a
graveyard, bringing with it the shades of those buried in
there. Some seek comfort, some want justice, others want
* Fog of succor. This often rises to enshroud the helpless
or lost, providing a protective cover and putting those
caught into a deep sleep. Upon awakening, victims have been
healed, rescued, or set upon the right path.
* Dirt devils. Heat driven mini twisters that whip across
dusty landscapes are actually a type of demon struggling to
burst through the planes onto this world. Normally harmless
in a rural area, they are dangerous if they gain a handhold
on this side, such as a building or a person.
* Wildwinds. The relatively warm wind blows in once a year.
Anyone touched by the wind becomes carefree, ceases to do
chores, and will only laugh, frolic, make music, and eat
food. Make it fun by contrasting the way different towns
respond to the effect. One town prepares feasts,
decorations, and even those not affected join in the fun. In
another town, people see the winds as immoral and
temptations. They isolate themselves inside to pray while
the winds pass by; maybe they tie up livestock or other
animals outside so they can find out if the effect is over.
* The elements. Every weather event is controlled by an
elemental. For powerful weather forces, elementals team up.
It is said that, if you can find the elementals controlling
a particular weather event you can end the event by slaying
the creatures, or striking a deal.
* Rains of the earth. A strange torrent of rain that turns
metal into stone, stone into mud, and mud into dust.
* Warm winds. These winds come in winter from the south and
carry with them memories of those still enjoying their sunny
weather. Those affected think it is much warmer than it is,
refuse to put on warm clothes, want to sun bathe and swim.
They do not feel cold until they collapse of hypothermia.
Concerned well wishers must restrain those affected until
the effect passes.
* Winter chimes. Especially common after ice storms. Wind in
the trees sound like tinkling chimes. Children and the
simple minded hear fey promises of candies and treats. If
you follow the sounds you will be led deeper and deeper into
the woods, facing environmental or even more supernatural
dangers within.
* Zephyr of harvest. This strange wind affects only small
areas and can appear at any time of year. Plants grow,
blossom, and mature wherever the wind passes, creating
small, bountiful crops of fruit and nuts, and other food if
the plants have already been seeded. Many villages perform
special ceremonies each year to attempt to attract the
* Quick fall. In this part of the world, fall comes quickly.
The leaves change colours on one day, and the next, strong
downdrafts tear them from their tress. Anyone caught in a
downdraft has visibility reduced, might get buried in leaf
drifts, and has their strength drained from them (possibly
aged). The third day the leaves (and anyone caught in them)
are carried away on gale force winds to a great sink hole in
the north where the locals say a demon feeds on the decay
until the next year.
* It’s raining fish. Water spouts form and throw fish and
other small marine life into the clouds, where they rain
down later over land. Perhaps this time it’s raining
mermaid(s), and with only fresh water near, how do we help
* Mana from hell. In a distant mountain meadow, dew on
grasses in early morning smells and tastes like nectar or a
favourite food. Few can resist once they start tasting it.
Those affected just want to stay and eat, wait until the
next morning, and eat more dew. They are unaware they are
not gaining any nourishment and will waste away in a
contented stupor, leaning against small bump on the ground
until they die of hunger. At this point, the grasses cover
the person and a new small but comfortable bump in the
meadow appears.
* Quick change. In a valley between two large continents,
winds converge from all directions to a great rift canyon
where the earth inhales them. Temperatures fluctuate rapidly
between scorching dry heat, humid, tropical gales, and icy,
cutting winds. You can get drenched, frozen, steamed, and
lightning bolted in a matter of minutes. Keeping your
footing is difficult, your body gets shocked by the changes,
your skin gets chapped and sore. The only thing tougher than
the climate is the people who live there.
* Mood weather. For a couple of days a year each person gets
their own micro-climate that changes according to their mood.
Two people in a long conversation usually end up with
similar weather until parting. Ten people with strongly
opposing moods might create small twisters. Leaders of
countries have sought to use this time for treaty making, as
cold, bitter winds reveal lies and betrayal, while rays of
sun peaking through clouds foretells hope and promises of
peace. Doubtful lovers might seek confirmation of
compatibility, and used car/horse salesmen toss up their
hands and take the days off, “In honour of these special
* Rain of life. Every now and then, at the height of the
rain season, a certain cloud seems to travel against the
wind. Trees touched by its rain animate. Some blame the
elves and druids when this happens, and so far they have not
denied these accusations. “Dad, where’s the forest?”
* Ebb tide. The lowest tide every 77 years that lasts for 7
days. Submerged land seen for the first time in decades
might reveal all kinds of interesting things.
* Slowflakes. This unnatural phenomenon happens before
winter ends to give way to a warmer season. Those caught on
this rare occurrence see unnaturally large and slow falling
blue snowflakes. Everyone touched by the flakes are slowed
down as per the Slow spell.
* Light, temporal storm. Crackling blue-white flashes of
energy and misty reflections mark this strange event. It is
disorienting to most normal creatures and has random effects
on speed, direction, and time:
- Victims are hasted, slowed, timestopped, or timeslipped.
- Time duplicates from the near future appear.
- Creatures disappear for a few moments.
- Melee attacks hit a random creature.
- Time breezes might cause a mass slow or mass haste.
- A gust might cause a mass stop.
- An eddy might cause a mass timeslip.
- The eye of the storm might be clear of effects, or a
highly charged magical area that could be useful for certain
epic magics.
- The wall of the eye might have random, chaotic effects.
- Echoes of past and future contain misty/cloudy/smoky
images that form into whatever the DM wants.
- The calm preceding the storm might seem eerie, quiet, and
* Dirt devils open small, one-way gates to the air elemental
plane. Trapped creatures must find another means to get
* A poisonous gas cloud. Perhaps a wizard experiment went
horribly wrong and the periodic gas cloud is the result.
* Acidic rain. It starts to rain and exposed flesh and other
vulnerable materials take damage. Remember that animals,
such as mounts, familiars, and animal companions, will be
* Snow visions. A strange snow falls in some areas that has
a hallucinogenic, memory-altering, or amnesia effect on
those trapped in it.
* Green Flash - a real phenomenon. In the game world, when
it happens during a waxing moon, all druidic or nature magic
is memorized at one caster level higher. During the full
moon, it’s two caster levels higher. During the rare
Solstice + full moon, it’s three caster levels higher. (This
is why nobody messes with the druids at Solstice.)
* Shocking hail. Hailstones are “frozen electricity.” Those
struck by this springtime phenomenon take electrical damage
unless they are grounded. Local merchants sell “Hail
Protection” devices (steel umbrella dragging a copper wire,
tin conical hats with the same wire) of dubious value.
* Bloody sun. When an upwind volcano is active, the sunrise
is a bloody red color, and even daylight has a reddish tint.
Legends say a (evil deity, demon, local wizard) is stirring
up trouble. Bloody sun days can be singular events or last
for weeks. Crops, flowers, and other things that depend on
sunlight act as if they are still in darkness, and creatures
sensitive to regular daylight are unaffected by the ruddy
light. Evil or darkness spells are cast at +1 caster level,
and good or light spells at -1.
* Summer snow. In the hottest summers there will sometimes
be a sudden snowfall from a clear sky. Thought to be a
blessing from the Gods of Winter, this snow, if eaten fresh,
is reputed to cure injury, disease, and other maladies. The
melt water is holy, and can be further blessed to create
double-strength holy water.
* Rain of light. Instead of water, it rains droplets of
light. When it touches people it heals them for 1 hp for
each hour spent under it. It also cures diseases if exposed
to 2 hours under it.
* Phantom whirlpool. Suddenly and without a warning a
whirlpool appears under the ship. It is rumoured this
happens when not enough is sacrificed. To appease the sea
goddess valuables must be tossed to the sea quick or the
ship will sink.
* Fire rain. Instead of water it rains an oily and flammable
liquid. If for some reason fire is applied to it, everything
in the area burns hotly.
* And it rained gold! Rocks with raw gold begin to fall.
Sure, it killed a few persons and destroyed most of a town,
but it’s gold! Is this a gift from the gods or a curse?
Everyone is seen rushing to the area to get rich while they
* Lighting strikes twice. In the village of Deathcliff, once
a year during the thunderstorm season the gods smile upon
those foolish or brave enough to test themselves. Anyone who
calls upon the favour of the thunder gods and raises his
sword to the heavens is rewarded by a lighting bolt falling
twice on him, dealing damage as usual, but bestowing for a
year magical properties upon the sword if he survives.
* The garden of love. On this small area during spring, the
scent of the flowers make people who smell it fall in love
until next spring. Locals know this and take precautions by
not going near that field during spring except for
occasional young lovers who willingly subject themselves to
2. Start With A Concept
As with many design tasks, it’s often easiest to start with
a blank page and write down any ideas that come to mind for
a particular theme - this time, for supernatural weather
events. Don’t edit or deny any ideas, just keep writing.
Even if an idea is poor, writing it down anyway helps the
process, causes more ideas to flow, and turns off the self-
critic that prevents creativity.
After five minutes or when you’ve sat for awhile without
writing anything new, check out your ideas and flag the best
ones for development or future consideration.
If inspiration evades you, try these activities:
* Google for ideas: strange weather, bizarre weather,
supernatural weather, alien weather.
* Turn a spell into an event. Pick a random spell and see
what weather ideas come to mind. For example, I just visited
[ ], closed my
eyes, and clicked. I got Magic Fang, which makes natural
weapons more effective.
Weather ideas from that:
o A special rain that buffs monsters for a couple hours.
o Thorns rain down, perhaps delivering a toxin or beneficial
o Clouds turn into fang shapes thus warning of an incoming
weather event.
o Fang-shaped illusions appear over creatures of a certain
type or alignment. Bad to be pointed out when secrecy is
o Fang-shaped lightning.
o Fang-shaped hail that is deadly.
Some of those ideas are ok, and some are not so good, but
regardless, the spell inspired.
* Any game rule has good inspiration potential, actually.
Tanglefoot bags from D&D, for example, inspired the sticky
storm idea in the Weather Event Ideas tip. The skill for
opening locks inspired the weird unlocking fog idea.
* Look at art for inspiration. Pictures of weather are good,
as are pictures of strange environments, fantasy locations,
and alien worlds.
3. Design For All Six Senses
Think about the six senses while you craft your supernatural
* See
* Hear
* Smell
* Taste
* Feel
* Intuit
Use the senses to inspire interesting effects and craft
engaging descriptions. Use the above bullet list as a
checklist, perhaps picking two or three senses that are
affected more than the others for each event to keep design
moving along quickly, and to make the experience of each
event different.
4. Give Supernatural Weather A Fixable Cause
The first part of this tip is to give each weird weather
event a specific cause. What is the source? What triggers
must happen for the weather to occur? Is there motive behind
the cause?
The second aspect is to give each cause a solution. What
must happen for the weather events to stop? Can the events
be stopped forever, or just temporarily? Feel free to make
solutions difficult or near impossible. The important part
is that you define at least one cause and solution.
In books and movies, it’s fine to have absolute conditions
that cannot be controlled. The window of time and
interactivity of those entertainments is very small. World
depth is not a primary concern.
With RPGs though, it’s all about interactivity. For
campaigns, the window of time is far beyond 120 minutes or
700 pages. Depth in your game world is an important tool for
crafting campaigns that thrive.
Game world depth is more about relationships than details.
You can list a thousand details about a region and it might
still feel shallow. Relationships are what drive game world
forces and elements. They spawn details in a natural way,
but they also link your game world elements together and
provide levers for the PCs to investigate, learn about, and
For example, I would rather have the names of 10 NPCs and
knowledge of their conflicted relationships to each other
than a thousand-name list of an entire town’s population.
The relationships give me story, plot, encounters, and NPCs
the characters can interact with. The roster of names just
gives me a static inventory and no depth.
Ahem. Got off on a tangent there. The principle is, if you
can provide a game world with relationships and elements
that the PCs can change, you have depth and a strong
campaign base. Providing cause and solution for supernatural
weather, even if you don’t think the PCs will get involved,
builds depth in your world that will have beneficial
downstream effects.
In addition, it’s odd how, once you create something with
some potential interactivity, it finds a way to weasel into
your gameplay….
5. Design Pre-Event Anticipation
Some weather phenomena might occur without warning. Gameplay
still benefits from the effects of the event, but you could
get even more value with a little pre-event build up. Value
doubles if the PCs have experienced the event before and
realize what’s coming….
The best way to communicate that an event is coming is
through signs and warnings. These should be visible or
noticeable by PCs, else the effect is lost.
It helps to divide potential event signs and warnings into
four categories.
1) Plants
2) Animals
3) Monsters
4) Civilization
For each category, think about:
* How they react. Behaviour, actions, activities. For
example, humans might board up windows, plants might curl up
their leaves, animals might get nervous and make noise.
* Warning time. How much notice do you want to provide?
Start the signs and warnings at this point. For example,
winter omens might indicate certain storms in the summer, or
fleeing creatures might indicate an event is minutes away.
* Location. How far away do the signs reach? If the PCs are
deep underground or just in a building, will signs reach
* Precision. Are the signs accurate? Do they indicate the
exact event, a range of event possibilities, or just that
something is not right? Best case is the signs create a
puzzle for the players to figure out, such as a code or
* Coping strategies. The signs might take the form of
preparation. Some might just weather the storm (sorry for
the pun) and heal or repair afterwards. Others might take
steps to achieve protection or immunity. Alternatively, some
might try to maximize advantages from events with good
effects, such as by placing containers out to capture
healing rain.
Creating a few signs to warn of an upcoming event gets you
more value out of that event. It also provides a few extra
details that have relationships or can spawn additional
GMing ideas:
1) Encounter details. Reveal the signs over several
encounters. They might pose a bit of a mystery, and will add
interesting details to encounter locations or backgrounds.
Signs don’t need to be the basis of these encounters, but
can be picked out or noticed by players who like to get into
that type of thing.
For example, an encounter with a monster could start with
the PCs noticing a creature digging a large hole (for
protection against an impending storm). The PCs fight,
parley, or evade as normal, but the extra detail lends
additional flavour and might make them curious.
Another encounter involves helping merchants with an
overturned cart combined with a wild dog attack targeted at
one of the horses. In the background, observant PCs can spot
birds fortifying their nests and other animals fleeing
Upon arriving at the village, all the buildings are empty.
The place is quiet, though cooking pots and chimneys boil
and smoke away. As the characters move through, they hear a
strange moaning. They approach the noise and find all the
villagers engaged in some kind of ceremony. To interrupt
would win the people’s wrath. To participate wins their
friendliness. To watch gives a chance to figure out what the
ceremony is about. Regardless of the PCs’ choice, a storm is
2) World building. Daily life is a difficult thing to develop
for each culture in your world. Create different reactions
and coping strategies to supernatural weather to add new
cultural details.
Supernatural Weather, Part 2
By Johnn Four
Thanks again to the following for their help: Robgonzo, Eric
FitzMedrud, Gus, Lorele Phoenixjade, Bobby Nichols, Telas.
Here’s a suggestion if you have the time this week. Use the
tips in this issue and in part 1 to craft five types of
weather events that can occur in your current campaign
region. Not only is ongoing world-building a worthwhile
task, but having a specific design case will help you use
and remember these tips better.
Once you have crafted your strange weather, send the ideas
on over and I’ll put them in the e-zine to inspire other
Note that stranger is not better. You are welcome to design
high-fantasy weather, but often the best supernatural
weather for your world, and the type that fits into other
campaigns with ease, is that which has something just a
little strange or unusual about it. Subtle often plays out
1. Design Weather Effects
Determine what attributes and effects the weather event has.
Some effects might require game rules, and others just a
brief description. Think of effects as occurring in two
1) During the event
2) After the event
Mid-event effects are based on the direct qualities of the
weather. For example:
* Storm surges - flooding
* Fierce winds - broken trees and building damage
* Strange lights - panic, temporary blindness, feelings
of peace
Post-event effects deal with the consequences once the
weather has passed.
* What kind of recovery efforts are required?
* How do those affected cope with, or take advantage of the
* How long until life returns to normal?
Examples might be refugees, a temporary sellers market for
magic hail stones, attacks by crazed or supernaturally
buffed monsters, incredible stories from survivors.
Another way to think about effects is to classify them as
weal or woe. Doing this gives you a sense of the design’s
balance. A tip from Gus is to avoid events that decimate
commoners. Ensure your weather designs don’t create worlds
inhospitable to life.
Core Attributes
At the minimum, you should record a few weather attributes
to get an idea of the base event experience.
* Temperature
* Precipitation
* Wind speed
Temperature: Does it change? By a little or a lot? It can
also be a requirement - snow, for example, requires cold.
Note any important or relevant details about temperature.
Precipitation: Is there any, what form does it take, how
much is typical for the event? Look at temperature to inform
what kind of precipitation falls: a warm summer rain, cool
spring mist, cold sleet or ice rain, and so on.
A little precipitation gets things wet, a lot might cause
problems such as flash flooding or rivers that are
impossible to ford, and huge quantities cause disasters.
Wind: Is there any, and how fast is the air moving? Wind is
a huge factor in determining destructiveness of your
weather. Here’s a handy chart to help you out:
Supernatural Effects
We didn’t come here to just talk about wind and rain. You
wanted supernatural weather, right? You should first decide
if the weather has supernatural causes, if it has
supernatural effects, or both.
For example, a heat wave in winter caused by fire devils is
still interesting, even if it just involves a mundane
weather effect.
For supernatural effects, the limit is your imagination. You
can make it rain goblins, open portals to other dimensions,
or unleash plague-curing air tunnels.
If your effects are destructive, try to avoid a design that
only does damage. There are so many other things in your
campaign that can hurt your PCs that it seems like a waste
to have supernatural weather just be another wounds roll. If
you want damage, ok, but wrap it into a challenge or
something interactive the characters tangle with.
Here’s a short list of weather events and effects for
* Animated clouds
* Aurora Borealis
* Avalanche, mudslide
* Ball lightning
* Brocken Spectres - shadows of mountaineers projected onto
low clouds and reflected back by the tiny water droplets in
the mist
* Crop circle
* Dust devil, water devil
* Earthquake
* Extreme temperature shift
* Flood
* Hail, sleet, snow
* Hoar frost
* Icicles
* Lightning
* Meteor shower
* Methane rain
* Mirage
* Radiation
* Raining animals, such as frogs or dead birds
* Reverse magnetism
* Solar wind
* Sundog - illusion of multiple suns caused by ice crystals
in the sky
* Tsunami
* Whirlwind
Have any other weather effects ideas to add to the list?
Please send them along:
2. Make Weather A Plot Element
Get double-duty from your weather designs by making them a
plot element. You could involve the fixable cause (see the
related tip from part 1), but there are other ways to
involve weather in your stories as well:
* Omen
* Foreshadowing
* Clue
* Prophecy
* Helping with pre-event preparations
* Dealing with post-event consequences
I think the last bullet point is the most interesting to me.
In the real world, nothing operates in a vacuum. Everything
is interconnected to a certain degree. Ye old butterfly ->
windstorm chaos theory tale. Therefore, it seems right that
after a supernatural event there will be a variety
consequences that will take more than a night of healing to
deal with. These consequences seem ripe for storytelling,
either as sideplots, backdrops, or primary encounters.
For example, suppose an event creates healing rain that can
be stored and used for up to a month. After 30 days or so,
the rain loses its healing properties. I imagine people
would go to a lot of effort to capture the stuff. How would
this affect the healing potion business? Perhaps an
overbearing religion would declare it a sin to trap the holy
water and hire the PCs to enforce the law?
You might strategically build up to the event and then have a
torrential rainfall just as combat with a stage boss or
villain occurs. What would the PCs do if their foes heals
all his damage each round? Along the same vein, imagine the
PCs’ reaction when the critter they’re fighting flees
outside into the rain and then runs back inside, surprised
by the healing but ready to fight for its lair again.
If enough signs are present, the sick and wounded might rush
to the expected downpour location. Perhaps priests divine
the event weeks in advance, word spreads, and a region
unaccustomed to visitors must deal with a flood of a
different kind.
After all this thinking, you might decide that maybe the
rain doesn’t heal everything. Maybe certain races get healed
and others injured. That would create a bit of conflict.
Could be the PCs are quested to determine where the next
healing rains will fall. They might need to retrieve a
special component for the divination. Foes might be aware of
this ingredient and try to find it first and horde it or
destroy it.
Maybe the rain gives too much healing. Just like a negative
charge is induced when you charge a partially drained
battery, perhaps healthy people suffer if they have no need
for healing and get caught in the rain.
Too much fun! Time to get on with the next tip.
3. World Building With Supernatural Weather
An inspirational world-building exercise is to reverse
engineer your weather’s effects, and to brainstorm ideas and
consequences surrounding the event.
For example, here’s a quick brainstorm I’ve done for
lightning hail:
o Lightning hail strikes once every two months, on average.
o Each storm kills 1 commoner per village, 10 per town, 100
per city. Non-fatal injuries amount to about 10 times that
o Staying in a fortified, dry structure is the best
o Hail keeps its charge for a few seconds after landing.
o Maximum size of stones are 1” diameter, and most average
o Certain creatures have evolved in reaction to the hail.
Some are capable of absorbing the energy and go on
devastating rampages after a storm, or perhaps they store
the energy for future self-defense. Other creatures have
developed immunity to electrical damage.
o Plants can take advantage of the hail too. Lightning trees
have long, low-hanging branches that deliver shocks to
passing animals. Lightning berries sound like fun. Perhaps
some plants have developed resistance and can be made into
special armour or lightning resistant clothing.
o Some believe drinking meltwater from the hail protects you
from future storms.
o After the hail stops, some will risk injury to gather hail
stones to melt them down for drinking, or to sell or trade
o Myths, legends, and stories abound about this event as
part of a cultural warning system.
o Give the event a different name in each culture. Thor’s
Tears, black hail, Mendel’s Curse, ha’il.
o Regardless of the true cause of the hail, use the hook or
premise of each of my world’s cultures to create their
explanation for the event. A religious culture might see it
as divine punishment; a primitive, warlike culture will
blame it on their enemies; a magical culture will blame an
experiment gone awry or ancient mages with too much power.
4. Give Your Villain Special Weather
Couple your villain with the presence of supernatural
weather to make him appear larger than life. Imagine how
memorable and fun encounters would be if lightning storms
always accompany the villain, or if an evil wind always
preceded his arrival.
You can have supernatural weather occur during villain
appearances, or you can make the weather shroud his home
base. Both ideas are great and will entertain players.
5. Avoid Apparent GM Agenda
A quick note of caution. It’s a frequent error of design to
prop-up a specific plot hole or campaign weakness; rather
than fix the cause, it’s tempting to treat the symptom. If
the design looks forced or seems to target the PCs directly
and unfairly, the players will lose their sense of disbelief
or get frustrated.
If you want to design a supernatural event to achieve a
specific purpose, such as challenging buffed PCs or
providing a reason why a poorly designed predator would not
dominate the region, you are better creating an event with
general or non-targeted effects, and then tailoring the
consequences to suit your exact needs.
Don’t make it look like your weather was designed to
specifically foil the PCs, weld together awkward plot
moments, or prop up unbelievable campaign elements. Avoid
strong coincidences whenever possible.
Player: Ok, I cast my fly spell and attack from above.
GM: Suddenly the storm strengthens and all flying creatures
are grounded.
Player: Wow, what incredibly believable timing. [Grumble.]
6. Use Weather During Wilderness Treks
Perhaps an obvious tip, but for the record, supernatural
weather makes for great wilderness encounters. Use sparingly
though, else the PCs won’t leave the city. :)
Mix things up by having the PCs encounter pre- or post-event
conditions. Characters don’t need to always have weather
happen to them as they travel. Perhaps stormy days preceding
their trip caused swollen rivers or difficult road debris.
Maybe strange weather, such as sun spots or moon conditions,
stirred monsters and other threats, making travel more
dangerous than usual. The PCs might get involved in
encounters dealing with preparation, helping victims, or
stumbling upon uncovered caves and other formerly hidden
location entrances.