Benign wilderness rptips #301
1. Large patch or hill of flowers
2. Squirrels chasing each other
3. Something stirs below the water’s surface
4. Birds of prey circling overhead
5. An earsplitting squawk
6. A shadow passes across the ground
7. Smoke rises in distance
8. Deja vu
9. Many thousands of ants crawl
10. Howling/barking in the distance
11. Patch of vines strangling a tree
12. Skeleton of an animal
13. Skeleton of a humanoid
14. Writing carved into tree
15. Large patch of brightly colored mushrooms
16. Few scattered and broken arrows or bolts
17. Snake slithers away
18. 1’ hole penetrates the ground
19. Rainbow in the distance
20. Group of bats rise in the distance
21. Tree falls in the distance
22. Broken, rotted wagon wheel
23. Bear tracks
24. Deer tracks
25. Wolf/dog tracks
26. Unusual patch of very lush growth
27. Sudden sun shower
28. Wind kicks up
29. Dead, rotted, burnt, headless troll body
30. Giant mushroom grove
31. Discarded, tattered cloak
32. Rusty weapon
33. Dark storm cloud approaches
34. Large beetle buzzes around head
35. Large boot tracks in mud
36. Dug, shallow hole
37. Remnants of old campfire
38. Sandstorm
39. Small dust whirlwind
40. Puddle/nearly dry watering hole
41. Few sun bleached papers
42. Large bird (heron) seems to follow you
43. Stack of rocks piled high
44. Giant feather
45. Sweet smell of honeysuckle
46. Small pond
47. Bog
48. Stand of birch trees
49. Stench of feces
50. Ray of sun light hits tree or bush
51. An unusually cool breeze
52. Couple of rats are following you
53. You get a dull, throbbing headache
54. Injured woodland creature lies helpless
55. Skunk smell
56. Eerily quiet
57. Field of dead trees
58. Humanoid statue (flesh to stone)
59. Stung by a bee
60. Arid dust coats your mouth
61. Odd crystalline growth
62. Ogre skull
63. Abandoned shack
64. Very friendly skunk
65. Wild boar
66. Wild horses
67. Find a copper piece
68. Caterpillar or grub-infested tree
69. Coyotes fighting over a kill
70. Mother bear protecting cubs
71. Hatched eggs below abandoned nest
72. Large insect moult
73. Something scurries away (chipmunk)
74. Patch of berried bushes
75. Large splatter of bird droppings
76. Old, rotted horse carcass
77. Large tree with face image in bark
78. An oasis
79. A rusty suit of armor
80. Active bees nest
81. Howling gust of wind
82. Approaching lightning storm
83. Crow squawks repeatedly on approach
84. Disabled wagon with nearby dead campfire
85. Disheveled shrine or grave marker
86. Rats are rummaging through PCs’ food
87. Cloud of insects moves across path
88. Rocks falling in the distance
89. Pair of small birds harass PCs
90. Feral cat trails the party
91. Large animal crashes through the brush
92. Cloud shaped like a holy symbol scuds out of sight
93. Shopping list for potion is found
94. Old ring sticks out of the dirt
95. One person’s ears begin to ring
96. One person has an intense itch
97. Hawk takes mole/mouse near party
98. Stick-figure voodoo doll(s) found
99. Tornado
100. Earthquake (mild, moderate, or severe)
101. Great toppled tree, roots outstretched
102. Creek bars path
103. Fern-filled clearing
104. Beaver pond/dam
105. Rocky outcropping
106. Ancient snag filled with tiny holes
107. Carpet Of spongy moss over large area
108. Cave or large den
109. Groundhog colony: big holes, mounds of dirt
110. Tree with bark chewed or clawed off the bottom
111. Picked mushrooms laying on stump to dry
112. Sentry animal (probably bird or rodent) raises alarm
113. Burned area (trees standing, no undergrowth, all black)
114. Fool’s gold sparkles in the dirt
115. Huge spider’s web
116. Huge stick insect or mantis moves into the foliage
117. Pleasant voice seems to chant on the breeze
118. Fish bones
119. Punctured waterskin or flask on path
120. Forgotten dagger jammed into stump or earth