Run a Mercenary company
Different beginnings
ex military
ex corp
ex gov who is ousted/failed coup
bozo who inherits lots of money
biz man with investors
crim/gang leader
pirate (has own ships)
give various benefits contacts, assets, reputation
payment to widows, retirement, golden parachutes
skill, training,schools
individual tracking for specialists,nco’s and off
several types of squads each with generic type of
people i.e.
squad lt sqaud hv
grunt hv grunt
grunt support weap
grunt hv grunt
sergeant corp
support weapon
then you assign weapon packages to squads
you can make own packages or buy pre made ones
bonuses for keeping squads, units cohesive
grunts, hvy weapon dudes,snipers,mobile,assault eng,
medics, comm spec, recon, commando,demo expert
construct, clerks, drivers, pilots, cargohandler
various techs
have temp, placement, and headhunter orgs
various home bases
clients are governments, cities, corps,wealthy
dudes,other Co’s
longterm and shortterm contracts, pilotsSFRL
operate mostly from data console that has all apps
contract writer
unit mngt, asset mngt
email, video mail, comm, ordering supplies
control battlefield
have inventory, balance sheet,assets,costs,revenue,
maintenance costs
allow extended warranties and upgrade
life insurance, cloning
look up eq, historical, business, gov personnel data
contract negotiations with clients and personnel
buy lease rent, sell/buy used, salvage
subcontract, partner
organize unit formations and equipment
probs with maint diverse eq
attempts to unionize your employees
competitive bids with other Co’s human or computer
get junk adds, online catalogs, ordering trade news
hire consultants, transport agencies
buy info hire spies
personal eq medical,CBR,armor,
support weapons, MG,RPG,
storage,housing, hospital, comm, command, maint, bldings
comm, jamming, survey, stealth
Players creation
0 means no points may be spent on that
-Ex marine/army
—Neg 0
—Ldr 2
—GT 1
—ST 0
—GS 1
—SS 0
Pts low
Mil mid
Biz nil
Trans nil
Cash min
has XO
has core squad
-Ex Navy
—Neg 0
—Ldr 2
—GT 0
—ST 1
—GS 0
—SS 1
Pts mid
Mil mid
Biz nil
Trans low
Cash mid
has XO
-Business man
—Neg 3
—Ldr 2
—Log 2
—GT 0
—ST 0
—GS 0
—SS 0
Pts low
Mil nil
Biz high
Trans nil
Cash mucho
-Free Trader
—Neg 1
—GS 0
—SS 0
Pts lots
Mil nil
Biz nil
Trans low
Cash low
has ship
can buy many with points
-Biz credit / respect on wall street
-Mil rating how bad ass you are how often you meet contracts
-Transpo how often you meet your deliveries/have insurance
start at ?? until 10 transpos then get D
+1 level for full insurance
1 pt per transpo -10 for late/fail with insurance -100 for failure without insurance
+1 level 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
D, C, B, A, AA, AAA
-Ground Tactics
-Space Tactics
-Ground Strat
-Space Strat
Singler player version
in the million points of light universe
- all on one planet/system
- like xcom
- mostl urban/indowr wo long range hi-tech weap/eq not an issue
- non-leathal weapons
- “crowd control” a mission
govenor wants riot for excuse to crack down
uses players mercs as scape goat
not allowed to disperse crowd
goal is players to fil gov’s plot
gov agents throw attack with weapons
spy bot scans around crowd zooms in on face reveals who threw what