
There are two main methods of flight. Being or using a creature with flight ability:

Or, on a vehicle move differently and must be “operated” by a pilot and crew.

  • Airboats that use wind to “sail” across the sky
  • Aeronauticals pretty much all other vehicles.


If a vehicle moves at all, occupants may only make single mêlée attack vs targets not also riding vehicle and vice versa. Full ranged attacks are allowed at -2. On very large and stable vehicles negate the ranged attack penalty.

Movement may also require concentration checks for spell casting.

Wind Speed and Effects

DC * Ranged / Siege Checked Blown Away Wind Speed Chances
0       Light 10ft. 0-10 mph 1-4 1
0       Moderate 20ft. 11-20 mph 5-14 2-4
+2 -2 / 0 Tiny   Strong 40ft 21-30 mph 15-18 5-10
+4 -4 / 0 Small Tiny Severe 60ft. 31-50 mph 18-19 11-16
+8 NA / -4 Medium Small Storm 90ft. 51-74 mph 20 17-19
+12 NA / -8 Large Medium Hurricane x1.5 75-174 mph   20
+16 NA / NA Huge Large Tornado x1.5 175-300 mph    

* Modifies Fly, Profession (Sailor) and similar skill checks.

Checked: Creatures of that size or smaller must succeed on a DC20 Fly check to move in any direction other than the wind’s.

Blown Away: Creatures of that size or smaller must make a DC25 Fly check or be blown back 2d6 × 10 feet and take 2d6 points of nonlethal damage. This check must be made every round the creature remains airborne. A creature that is blown away must still make a DC20 Fly check to move due to also being checked.

Plummeting Condition

You are falling uncontrolled and very fast!

Whenever you gain the Plummeting condition you immediately drop 1/2 your free-fall distance. At the start of your turn, if you are Plummeting, drop your free-fall distance before taking any action(s).

Plummeting is extremely violent motion (Concentration check DC20 + spell level). When Plummeting the only movement based action allowed is to Stop Plummet. You lose Dex bonus to AC, threaten no spaces and may not make AOO.

Removing Plummeting Condition.
  • Automatically when you hit surface, heh. Fall damage d6 per 10’, max 20d6.
  • Successful Stop Plummet Action.
Free-Fall Distance per round
100’ Tiny sized or smaller
300’ Small sized
600’* Medium sized and larger

* half if high air resistance/weight ratio (wings, sails, etc.)

Stop Another’s Plummet (Full-round)

Flyers, riders on flying mounts and driver’s of flying vehicles may attempt to remove Plummeting Condition from another.

Flyers and riders may move up to double their movement rate. Vehicles move their full movement. Any required Fly, Ride, Drive, Handle Animal, etc. checks must be made as normal. You must end your move within reach of target.

DC10 check; Fly for flyers, Ride for riders, or appropriate “driving” skill for vehicle operators.

+/- Size difference
+4DC One hand free
+8DC No hands free
Your grapple modifiers may apply

Success: Target loses Plummeting Condition. You and target gain Grapple Condition.

Instead of catching directly, operators of large vehicles with “deck” space or man-overboard nets may “fly their vehicle under falling target”. Make appropriate “driving” skill check using the following DC, modifiers and results.

DC15 1x size of target empty space available
DC10 2x size of target empty space available
DC5 3x size of target empty space available
DC0 4x size of target empty space available

Success by 4 or less: Target loses Plummeting Condition, gains Prone Condition and takes half normal falling damage.

Success by 5 or more: Target loses Plummeting Condition, gains Prone Condition.


Including anything propelled by wings or magic, gliders, whirligigs, etc. In effect any sole creature using Fly skill, i.e. not vehicles.


Running while flying

Natural flyers, primarily those with wings, can run as a full-round action in a straight line upto 3x your speed (or 4x if light encumbered or less). Provoking AOO and losing Dex Bonus (unles you have Run feat). For a number of rounds equal to Constituion score. See Run (PRD) for details.


Squeezing while flying

Creatures with wings can’t fly through a space narrower than their size. They are considered Squeezing (PRD) while flying in any space less than double their width, 10’ for medium, 20’ for large, etc. Squeezing; each space counts as 2 squares for movement, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls, a -4 penalty to AC, and a -4 penalty to Fly checks.

Fly Skill

DC0 With the Flow (No Action): Move 1/4 wind speed in direction of wind
DC10 Move less than (lessor of 30’ or half speed) and remain flying
DC10 Avoid falling damage (No Action)
DC15 Hover (No Action)
DC15 Turn more than 45° during one movement action
DC20 Turn more than 90° during one movement action
DC20 Fly up greater than 45° angle
DC20 Fly down greater than your speed
DC20 Stop Plummet (Full-round)
If you use wings to Fly and you...
  • Fail Fly check by 5 or more, gain Plummeting Condition.
  • Take Damage, DC10 + damage Fly check or lose 10’ elevation per 5pt of fail.
  • Collide with object or creature >= your size, DC25 Fly or gain Plummeting Condition.

With the Flow (No Action)

DC0 Fly. May optionally let wind carry you 1/4 wind speed in direction of wind. This must be done at start of your turn before you take any actions.

Avoid Falling Damage (No Action)

DC10 Fly. If you take falling damage and have the ability to fly, you can make a DC10 Fly check to negate the damage. You cannot make this check if you are falling due to a failed Fly check, collision or if you are Plummeting, unconscious, or otherwise unable to fly.

Hover (No Action)

DC15 Fly. Stay in same space while flying. May move in any direction after hovering without any need to make Fly check for turning.


Each move action you may make 1 turn. No Fly check is required if less than 45°. DC15 if more than 45°, DC20 if more than 135°. Making more than one turn per move action costs 5’ of movement and requires additional checks at +10DC.

Ascend (No Action)

During a movement type action for every 5’ of forward movement may “spend” 5’ of movement to gain 5’ of elevation.

A DC20 Fly check allows you to spend any amount of movement to gain any amount of elevation for the rest of your turn. Can fly straight up or interleave forward movement with upwards movement in any combination.

Dive (No Action)

During a movement type action you may descend up to your speed per move action.

A DC20 Fly check allows you to descend up to 1/2 free-fall distance per move action. Failing this check by 5 or more ends your turn and you gain the Plummeting Condition.

Descending movement doesn’t count against your movement speed. And may be interleaved with other movement in any combination.

Stop Plummet (Full-round)

Attempt to remove Plummeting Condition.

Aide Another: Only creatures adjacent(reach) to you and able to move your free-fall distance (per round) may provide aide. Riders may use Ride skill to aide their mounts. Other’s may use Handle Animal, Fly or “driving” skills.

Mounted on Flyer

The mount follows the Flyer rules above. Mounts move on rider’s initiative. The rider’s and mount’s actions may be taken in any order.

It is assumed riders on all aerial mounts are strapped into their saddles. And those saddles include a quick release (Free action). Aerial riders should invest in a Gas Bag.

Ride Skill

DC5 Stay in saddle (No Action)
DC5 Guide mount with knees (Free Action)
DC10 Fight along with combat trained mount (Free Action)
DC15 Use mount as Cover (Immediate Action, Move Action to recover)
DC15 Spur mount (Move Action) +10 move d3 damage
DC20 Control non-combat mount (Move Action, failure means Full-round Action), every round.

Handle Animal Skill

+2DC Animal injured
DC10 Handle Animal (varies): Command animal to perform known trick.
DC20 Push Animal (varies): Command animal to perform unknown trick.

Combat while Mounted

If mount moves more than 5ft., you may only make single mêlée attack. If mount charges you also take AC penalty and gain attack bonus if you make attack as part of mounts charge.

You can make full attacks with ranged weapons on a moving mount. Even when mount is taking a double move, but at a -4 penalty (-8 penalty while running). In either case, you make the attack when your mount has completed half its movement.

Casting on moving mount: Mount moves normal speed before or after casting no check required. Mount moves before and after casting DC10+spell lvl Concentration check (+5DC if mount is running).

Example of how mounted combat works.

  1. Start of round, DC5 Ride (Free Action): Guide Mount with knees or lose use of one-hand. Allows rider to control mount’s movement.
  2. DC10 Handle Animal (Move): Direct mount to “Attack” or other known trick, including a charge.
  3. DC10 Ride (Free): Rider may also attack in same round as mount. If mount is not attacking, no check is required. Other non-attack actions also do not require a Ride check.


Zeppelins, balloons, steam skiffs, cyclocopters, etc. Zeppelins and balloons are slow. Most of their movement is from being pushed by wind. Long distance travel is in air streams.

Operating Aeronauticals


Aeronauticals require a crew, one of which is the “pilot” or driver who makes driving checks. Aeronauticals move on pilot’s initiative. Or, if uncontrolled, at end of turn.

If an aeronautical moves forward less than its minimum speed in a turn for any reason, it gains the Plummeting Condition and must make a Capsize Check. Aeronauticals with a minimum speed of 0 may hover in place.


Aeronauticals move only once per turn. There is no double move. Pilots may not perform more than one vehicle action that involves movement per round.

Balloons, zeppelins and other vehicles with large surface area must, at start of their turn before any other actions are taken:

  1. Decelerate by wind speed if facing directly into wind.
  2. And, move wind speed in direction of wind.
Pilot uses Profession (Sailor).
  • Some aeronauticals use a different skill, e.g. gliders.
  • May substitute Diplomacy if vehicle has crew > 1
  • May substitute Survival if vehicle has crew = 1
  • May substitute Wisdom check in place of skill

All checks require at least 1/2 crew. Extra crew may use Aid Another. To be counted as crew must have at least one rank in Profession (Sailor).

DC15 Gain or Drop 10’ elevation for every 30’ of movement (No Action)
DC25 Gain or Drop 10’ elevation for every 20’ of movement (No Action)
DC35 Gain or Drop 10’ elevation for every 10’ of movement (No Action)
DC15 Accelerate (Standard Action): Change speed and move forwardish
DC15 Decelerate (Standard Action): Change speed and move forwardish
DC15 Forward (Move Action): Move forwardish
DC15 Turn (Move Action): Change facing 45 deg
DC15 Avoid Capsize (Immediate):
DC20 Stop Plummet (Full-round):
-10 DC Gliders and vehicles without steam/alchemical engine
+10 DC Lacking full crew
+10 DC Pilot is attacking or being attacked
+? DC Wind speed DC modifier

Uncontrolled (No Action)

When the pilot does nothing or there is no pilot or there is less than 1/2 required crew the vehicle is uncontrolled. An uncontrolled vehicle moves forward only (it cannot move forward diagonally). If a vehicle has muscle propulsion, it decelerates a rate equal to its acceleration. If a vehicle is powered by an air current, water current, or some form of weird current, it slows by 10 feet. These decelerations are cumulative. If a vehicle does nothing, it cannot perform vehicular bull rushes, but can still perform a vehicular overrun.

Change Elevation (No Action)

Success: Gain or Drop up to 10’ of elevation for every 30’ of movement. Or, at +10DC 10’ per 20’ of movement. Or, at +20DC 10’ per 10’ of movement and occupants must DC10 Acrobatics or gain Prone condition and maybe sliding overboard.
Failure: No change in altitude.
Special: Balloons and zeppelins have -20DC to Climb and Dive.

Accelerate (Standard Action)

Success: Vehicle’s current speed increases up to its acceleration, but no higher than its maximum speed. Then vehicle moves forward or forward diagonally without changing facing its full current speed.
Failure: vehicle moves directly forward at current speed.

Decelerate (Standard Action)

Success: Vehicle’s current speed decreases up to its deceleration, but no lower than 0. Then vehicle moves forward or forward diagonally without changing facing its full current speed.
Failure: vehicle moves directly forward at current speed.

Forward (Move Action)

Success: Vehicle moves forward or forward diagonally without changing facing its full current speed.
Failure: Vehicle moves directly forward at current speed.

Turn (Move Action)

Success: Turn vehicle’s forward facing 45 deg.
Failure: Waste of action.

Avoid Capsize (Immediate)

Success: Yay!
Failure: Ship rotates onto its side or completely upside down. Decelerate 30’ every round. +10 DC to further operating checks. Objects and creatures risk falling off, Reflex Save to grab something.
Special: Balloons and zeppelins have -20DC avoid capsize.
Special: Can’t take 10.

Uprighting capsized vehicle is a DC25 (DC35 without crew) Full-round action. Don’t forget wind speed DC modifiers.

Stop Plummet (Full-round)

Attempt to remove Plummeting Condition.


Airboats are flying vehicles with sails and keels. Operating much like a water based sailing ship. Speed is based on wind speed, bearing and type of airboat. An airboat statblock will list its specific wind speed multipliers. An airboat may “reef” (reduce) its sails to move at less than its top speed. Each airboat statblock also lists a structural max speed, typical 120-180ft per round. Exceeding structural max speed inflicts damage to rigging/sails. Acceleration is based on wind speed.

Bearing Top Speed Acceleration
against into wind 0 -1x wind speed
beating 45 deg into wind statblock 1x wind speed
reaching 90deg to wind statblock 2x wind speed
running 0-45 deg with wind statblock 1.5x wind speed

Operating Airboats

Airboats require a crew, one of which is the “pilot” or driver who makes driving checks. Airboats move on pilot’s initiative. Or, if uncontrolled, at end of turn.

Airboats naturally float.


Airboats move only once per turn. They have no double move.

At start of pilot’s turn before any actions:

  1. Move 1/4 wind speed in direction of wind.
  2. Optionally Reef Sails.
  3. Calculate adjusted top speed for round.
  4. Adjust current speed by wind based acceleration.
Pilot uses Profession (Sailor).
  • May substitute Diplomacy if vehicle has crew > 1
  • May substitute Survival if vehicle has crew = 1
  • May substitute Wisdom check in place of skill

All checks require at least 1/2 crew. Extra crew may use Aid Another. To be counted as crew must have at least one rank in Profession (Sailor).

DC0 Gain or Drop 10’ elevation for every 30’ of movement (No Action)
DC10 Gain or Drop 10’ elevation for every 20’ of movement (No Action)
DC20 Gain or Drop 10’ elevation for every 10’ of movement (No Action), passengers/crew are falling off
DC15 Reef Sails (No Action): Change fraction of sails reefed and thus speed
DC10 Steady as she Goes (Full-round): Move current speed
DC10 Steer (Full-round): Turn and move current speed
DC15 Jib (Full-round): Turn across wind while reaching
DC20 Tack (Full-round): Turn across wind while beating
DC5 Avoid Capsize (No Action):
+10 DC Lacking full crew
+10 DC Pilot is being attacked
+? DC Wind speed DC modifier

Uncontrolled (No Action)

An airboat with at least 1/2 crew but lacking pilot or with pilot who did not take a “driving” action. Will move its current speed straight ahead.

Uncrewed (No Action)

An airboat lacking at least 1/2 crew meanders down wind. Make Capsize Check at start of every round.

Climb and Dive (No Action)

Success: Gain or Drop up to 10’ of elevation for every 30’ of movement. +10DC per 20’ of movement, +20DC per 10’ of movement and passengers must DC10 Acrobatics or prone and maybe sliding overboard.
Failure: No change in altitude.

Reef Sails (No Action)

Success: Set reef amount to full, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, etc.
Failure: Sails remain at current reefing.

Reefing changes the amount of sail catching wind and thus speed.

Steady as she Goes (Full-round)

Success: Move current speed, alternating between moving into square directly ahead and to any of the three “ahead” squares.
Failure: Move current speed straight ahead.

Steer (Full-round)

Success: Rotate one 45 deg. Then move current speed, alternating between moving into square directly ahead and to any of the three “ahead” squares.
Failure: Move current speed straight ahead. Make Capsize Check.

Tack or Jib (Full-round)

Success: Rotate 45 deg towards wind, move current speed straight ahead, rotate 45 deg in same direction.
Failure: Rotate 45 deg towards wind. Make Capsize Check.

A tack is into the wind. Jib is with the wind. Must be beating to start a tack, or running to job. Can’t attempt at 0 speed.

Avoid Capsize (Immediate)

Success: Yay!
Failure: Ship rotates onto its side or completely upside down. Decelerate 30’ every round. +10 DC to further operating checks. Objects and creatures risk falling off, Reflex Save to grab something.
Special: Can’t take 10.

Uprighting capsized airboat is a DC25 (DC35 without crew) Full-round action. Don’t forget wind speed DC modifiers.