G. PTO TERRAIN CHART (#. rule number referenced in Chapter B for each terrain type unless another rulebook chapter precedes the #.)
Rule# Terrain Example LOS Obstacle/ Hindrance TEM/ Indirect† Infantry Cavalry Horse Drawn Motorcycle Armored Car Fully Tracked Halftrack Truck Kindle #/ Spread # Fortifiable Notes
3. Bamboo dmm 35P8 (Brush) █ One-Level +1*/-1 M jpst$ NA Cp$ NA NA NA ALL/Z a
NA NA 10/10** No Wire/
Entrench g
§Dense Jungle *-1 vs DC/HE; see G3.3 **EC DRM × 2 ***If not using road/TB; +2 DRM unless dozing
13.22 Beach, Moderate Overlay "Be" Level -1
[Level 0]
0 FS
1*+COT r 2*+COT r 2*+COT br 4*+COT r 4*+COT br 2*+COT br 3*+COT br 6*+COT br Yes gg §Sand (F7.; G13.3) *Reduce by 1 if Hard [Deir vs LOS along/across Beach-Hinterland hexside (veh. is HD)]
13.21 Beach, Slight Overlay "Be" Level-1
[Level 0]
0 FS 1*+COT r 2*+COT r 2*+COT br 4*+COT r 4*+COT br 2*+COT br 3*+COT br 6*+COT br Yes gg §Sand (F7.; G13.3) *Reduce by 1 if Hard [vs LOS along/across Beach-Hinterland hexside]
13.23 Beach, Steep Overlay "Be" Level -1 0 FS
1*+COT r 2*+COT r 2*+COT br 4*+COT r 4*+COT br 2*+COT br 3*+COT br 6*+COT br Yes gg §Sand (F7.; G13.3) *Reduce by 1 if Hard [Crest status possible along Beach-Hinterland hexside]
11.1 Cave Counter +4 or +6* © 2** NA NA NA NA NA NA NA No *+6 vs OBA/Area-Target-Type; G11.8
**0 if unit remains hidden; see alto G11.7-.77
11.2 Cave Complex Multi-hex Subter-
ranean Location
0* NA NA NA NA NA NA NA No *See G11.73-.77
2.2 Dense Jungle dmn 35B4 (Woods) █ Two-Level +2/-1 2 pRst$ NA CpR$ NA DR NA PR NA DR ALL/Z a
NA DR NA DR 12/12 Yes g §Woods
*If not using road/TB; +2 DRM unless dozing
8.11 Drained Paddy Overlay "RP" +1q/0 1 c 1 c NA* 3 cJ NA* 1 c NA* NA* Yes *Open Ground COT if entering via breach; G8.8
5. Hut [Collapsed k] 35P6 (> 1 Single-
Story Wood Bldg)
One-[Normal-] Level Hindrance +1 [0] 2
[NA P]
[4 B]
[5 B]
6/7 Mines only* §Wooden Single-Story Building [§Hut but not Building] *[Mines/Wire or Panjis]
2. Light Jungle d 35B4 (Woods) Two-Level +1/-1 2 pRt 4 CpR ALL B*DR NA PR ALL B*DR ALL/Z
ALL B*DR ALL B*DR 12/12 Yes g §Woods
*If not using road or VBM (or TB if fully-tracked)
8.13 In-Season Paddy E Overlay "RP" █ Hindrance* +1q/0 1½ c 1½ c NA** 4 cJ NA** 1 c NA** NA** 10/6 Yes *§Grain (halved; FRD)
**Grain COT if entering via breach; G8.8
8.12 Irrigated Paddy Overlay "RP" {+1q[+2q]/+1} 3 cj 3 Cc NA NA NA 4 B*c NA NA Mines/Wire
or Panjis
{DC/HE FP halved; see G8.12} [vs HR; G8.5]
*Mud & +2 Bog DRM
6. Kunai dn 35O8 (Grain) Hindrance 0 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 6 9/8 Yes g §Brush
13.4 OCEAN Overlay "OC" Level -1 0 F NA
[NA P]
[4+COT u]
NA **U
[2+COT u]
[3+COT u]
NA **U
[6+COT u]

*Unless amphibious
[shallow] *& CX if in Heavy Surf; G13.447
8.21 Paddy Bank Counter
Overlay "RP"
0 [1 *j]
[1 C]
[3 J]
{3+COT J}
No [Onto Bank counter] *Hazardous Movement applies {Across Bank hexside not onto Bank counter}
4. Palm Trees 35O6 (Orchard) █ One-Level*
or Hindrance**
0 1 1 1 3 R 3 R 1 R 1 R 4 R 11/11 Yes §In-Season Orchard *To higher LOS
**To same-level LOS at Palm Trees' Base Level
9. Panjis Counter DOT COT*
COT ii
COT ii
COT ii
COT ii
COT ii
"Beneath" only *Panji MC possible **NA unless AFV/dozer [Above to beneath or vice-versa] ***Advance off NA
13.7 Pier Counter █ One-Level*
[█ Hindrance*]
0** ©Fw
[0 ©Fw]
No entr. or
HIP mines
§Bridge *EXC: see G13.71-.711
[wooden] **See also G13.711
13.43 Reef SSR-designated
Ocean hex
█ Level -1 0 [-1*] F **
[4 I]
[4 I]
[3 I]
[6 I]
*DC, or ordnance/OBA HE, vs unarmored; otherwise 0 [Exposed] **Same as shallow Ocean
13.6 Seawall SSR-designated
or Hindrance
+2*/+1* ©
1+COT v
[Climb K]
1+COT v
NA v
NA P v
NA v
NA v
NA v
NA v
*NA to Hinterland unit
[High] **See B11.42
7. Swamp n 35O10 (Marsh
adjacent to Jungle)
Two-Level (but no Hindrance) +1*/-1 ALL @ ALL NA NA NA NA** NA NA** No §Marsh *DC/ordnance-HE FTP halved; see G7.2
**Unless amphibious, see G7.3
14.51 Tetrahedron Counter — (non-OG) DOT COT COT COT COT 1+COT 1+COT 1+COT 1+COT Attacks LC on Final dr of ≤ 2

Except as mentioned otherwise, the following apply whenever "PTO Terrain" is stated as being in effect:
  • All woods are Jungle
  • All brush is Bamboo
  • All orchards are Palm Trees
  • All grain is Kunai
  • All bridges are Fords (B20.8)
  • Each marsh hex adjacent to ≥ one Jungle hex is a Swamp hex
  • No roads exist (all brush-roads and woods-roads are Paths, with no Open Ground in the brush-/woods-road portion of those hexes; Sunken Roads [B4.] & Elevated Roads [B5.] are still in effect but with the road treated as Open Ground)
  • All wooden Single-Story Houses in hexes containing ≥ two separate buildings, but no partial building depiction, are Huts
  • Cellars (B23.41) can exist only in multi-hex stone buildings
  • Stream "end-hexes" (whether overlay hexes or not) that are adjacent to each other but on different boards are assumed to represent a continuous stream; i.e., each hexside common to two such hexes is treated as a stream hexside [EXC: for LOS/LOF purposes, that hexside is considered a stream hexside only if the LOS/LOF begins in/IN one of those two stream hexes and ends in/IN the other]

Terrain listed in red is Concealment Terrain
Terrain shown underlined confers -1 Rally DRM (A10.61)
†: Indirect Fire TEM is listed following "/" only if different from Direct Fire TEM
*,**,***: See Notes Column
█: Whole hex affects LOS (Inherent Terrain; B.6)
$: Stacking limit two if no road; G2.2 & G3.1
§: Except as specified otherwise in rules, treat as the terrain type indicated by the symbol
@: APh entry NA
a: Tankette/Carrier entry NA; G2.21 & G3.1
B: Requires Bog DR to enter/change-VCA-within unless on road
b: Requires Sand Bog DR to enter/change-VCA-within unless on road or track
C: Cavalry may not Charge/Gallop in Jungle/Bamboo (even along path; G2.4) [EXC: Gallop allowed along road], IN Irrigated Paddy (G8.12), along Paddy Bank (G8.2112), or onto/off-of non-hidden Panjis (G9.422)
c: COT IN Paddy (plus cost to cross Bank if applicable)
©: Not cumulative with +/- TEM in same hex
COT: Cost of Terrain; B.2
D: All MP penalties for entering hex that contains wreck/vehicle, or for changing VCA, are doubled
d: Special rules for Detection apply, see G.4; +2 Recovery drm can apply, see G.5; Ambush terrain (+1 ATTACKER ddm), see G.6
DOT: Dependent on other terrain in hex
E: Concealment Terrain only for infantry/Fortifications/Emplaced-Guns; G8.13
e: Eliminated (and Rider must Bail out) if entering onto Panji counter across its covered hexside [EXC: Cavalry expending 11 MF and not Galloping/Charging]; G9.422
F: -1 FFMO can apply if no HA
g: Set up and revealed as if at Night; see G.2
gg: Pillbox/trench/sangar NA; foxhole TEM halved if sand is Soft
I: Hammada Immobilization dr required; F3.31
ii: Immobilized if entering onto Panji counter across its covered hexside, unless it is a fully-tracked AFV/dozer (G9.42); VCA change NA on Panji counter (G9.52)
J: Sidecar NA
j: Manhandling NA (G3.2) [EXC: via TB]; G8.12 [EXC: boat]; G8.21 [EXC: cycle]; G9.5)
K: Commandoes only; others NA (G13.61)
k: Concealment Terrain only for Infantry/Emplaced-Guns; G5.51
M: Requires Minimum Move, Low Crawl, or Advance vs Difficult Terrain; G3.2
m: Mortar fire NA from, and Bypass NA in, this terrain; G2.212, G2.24, & G3.1
n: FG restrictions apply; see G.3
P: May be Pushed
p: Or per path cost if crossing path hexside (for Bamboo, see also G3.2)
q: Vs target IN Paddy. Reduce TEM by 1 vs LOF from higher elevation/across non-bank hexside of target location; G8.3
R: Or per road cost if crossing road hexside
r: Road cost instead if through Road/Runway, or Track cost if through Track, hexside
S: Most ordnance/OBA FP halved on IFT; F7.4
s: Straying may be possible even in daytime; G2.22 & G3.21
t: Or per Trail break cost if crossing TB hexside (for bamboo, see also G3.2)
U: Swamping possible if in Heavy Surf; G13.441
u: COT = one land MP if Waterproofed or two if not (G13.422); Swamping possible if non-Waterproofed (G13.4222) or in Heavy Surf (G13.441)
v: 0 + COT for Infantry/Cavalry entering Beach hex, or for any unit crossing Breached low seawall: G13.621
w: HA can apply to unit on pier only vs adjacent, in-LOS unit in water/Beach Location; G13.72
x: Entry NA from beneath same (or to beneath stone) Pier counter; Manhandling (and Horse) entry onto Pier counter NA from water/Beach Location (G13.73)
Z: Or may use half of MP allotment at greater Bog risk