Here are some HTML charts for your ASL use--during play with VASL or to print hard copies for use in ASL Ftf or SASL. I created these charts for several reasons: 1. I like to create HTML pages by hand. 2. I wanted the challenge to see how well I could create HTML web pages for these charts. 3. I wanted single-page charts--easier to handle. 4. If all that occurred, I'd have charts I could handle easier and replace if they got spilled on. All the charts are hand-created HTML and formatted similar to the original charts (that was the challenge) but some rearrangement to suit my preferences--and perhaps other folks, too. I've come to find out that web browsers don't print WYSIWYG and you have to format your web page content specifically for printing if you want pretty printing. So some charts can be printed but others are reformatted with another file beginning with "print-xxx.html". I use Safari on Mac OS X but they print fairly well on other browsers (this is a browser non-standard-problem I cannot work around without LOTS of effort.) Browsers were made for viewing not printing...humph! Anyway, I've printed all these to PDF and had FedEx Office print them so I have single-chart card stock charts that are more easy to flip through and I can update with errata or additional info as it is released (I still use the charts!) Have fun! Matt Evans