Roleplaying Tips Weekly E-Zine Issue #9 _______________________________________________________ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ SENT BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY With Compliments From: Johnn Four, CONTENTS: --> A Brief Word From Johnn --> Top 7 Tips For Developing The Voice That Wins By Dr. June Johnson --> Privacy Policy, Sub/Unsub & Contact Information --> Feel free to forward this issue to a friend who would --> enjoy it and find the information useful. Just hit your --> Forward button. Thanks! _______________________________________________________ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ A Brief Word From Johnn It is with great pleasure that I publish this week's article by Dr. June Johnson about using the power of your voice--the great Game Master's second most powerful tool. In many sci- fi shows, as well as several business marketing courses, they say that perception *is* reality. And your players' perception of your NPCs, setting and events are definitely formed from not only what you say, but *how* you say it. These are important skills for creating exciting game sessions! _______________________________________________________ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Top 7 Tips For Developing The Voice That Wins By Dr. June Johnson The voice is your most powerful means of communication. How you hear yourself is not necessarily how others hear you. Successful professionals have voices that command attention and move people to action. The following tips will help you to develop the voice of authority. 1. Breathe from the diaphragm -- the foundation of effective speech. It is the power behind the voice that gives it depth and authority and increases your ability to project. It also helps control nerves and keeps the voice from rising in pitch when under stress. 2. Articulate your consonants. A recent Gallup Poll listed mumbling as the most annoying habit of speech. Consonants are what make speech intelligible, the "bread and butter" of speech. If people have to work to understand what you're saying, they'll stop listening. 3. Use inflection. The voice has a natural range of 5-8 tones that give the voice vitality and add colour and interest to what you're saying. Bob Dole was a boring speaker because his speech lacked inflection. 4. Pronounce all syllables. You will sound more professional when you do. Dan Quayle frequently referred to George Bush as "Present" Bush! Missing syllables make for sloppy, lazy speech. Avoid pronunciations such as "innernet," "comtuble," "inneresing," "gummint," "reglar," "secetary," etc. 5. Keep the vocal energy flowing. Energy is the key word to speaking effectively. Fading away or dropping ends of sentences will leave the listener in the dark. If the point is important enough to be made, it's important enough to be heard. 6. Tape yourself. Learn to know your voice. Once you've identified the habits you want to eliminate you'll be on the road to developing habits that will make you an effective speaker. As with anything else, it is possible to improve how you speak. 7. Talk to or with people, not at them. No one likes to be assaulted by a voice that's loud or abrasive. The pleasant, well-modulated voice will accomplish far more than the voice that overwhelms. Dr. June Johnson, President of VOICEPOWER, is a speech and communication coach. Through her workshops, seminars, keynotes and private instruction, she provides the skills and techniques for speaking more effectively and giving more successful presentations. Her numerous articles have appeared in national publications and she has authored a book, "You Look Great, But How Do You Sound?" and set of training tapes, "Find the Power in Your Voice." For information contact Dr. Johnson at 800-988-0644; e-mail: or visit her web site at http// Try taping yourself at your next session and use the checklist above to measure how you did. Questions and feedback about effective speaking are welcome: %20Effectively Have more fun at every game! Johnn Four _______________________________________________________ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ MY PRIVACY POLICY & HOW TO SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE _______________________________________________________ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ "Roleplaying Tips Weekly" is provided to you free of charge by It is sent only to those who have specifically requested to receive it. My subscriber list has never been and never will be available to any third party. EVER! Your privacy is very important to me, therefore it receives the respect it deserves. SUBSCRIBE TO "ROLEPLAYING TIPS WEEKLY" UNSUBSCRIBE FROM "ROLEPLAYING TIPS WEEKLY" SUBMISSIONS Submissions & Articles may be sent to: FEEDBACK Feedback of all kinds is welcome! Copyright İ 2000, Johnn Four, All Rights Reserved. email: web site: