Roleplaying Tips Weekly E-Zine Issue #220 7 Tips For Roleplaying Encounter Locations _______________________________________________________ ******************************************************* SENT BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY With Compliments From: Johnn Four, CONTENTS: --> A Brief Word From Johnn --> This Week's Article: 1. Give The Location An Attitude 2. Add A Secret 3. Make The Encounter Chime With The Location 4. Add Objects To The Scene & Interact With Them 5. Add NPCs To The Scene & Interact With Them 6. Think Z-Axis 7. Huge List Of Roleplaying Locations --> Readers' Tips Of The Week: 1. NPC Moods From: Rick Friedman 2. RPG Sound Mixer From: Bluemagician The Sorcerer 3. Dealing With Spotlight Requests From: Garry Stahl 4. Metric Movement Rates From: Paul Simmons _______________________________________________________ ******************************************************* A BRIEF WORD FROM JOHNN Paranoia Is A Fun Game ---------------------- I played Paranoia (2nd Ed.) for the first time today. What a great game! It's definitely oriented towards one-shots and not campaign play, so it makes an ideal ice-breaker for a new group or a make-up game if your regular one can't be played. I burned through 5 clones and got in on two mutant commie kills. Because I was the new guy and didn't know what I was doing, I was designated the party leader. And things went downhill from there. :) A recommended experience for any gamer. Have a game-full week! Cheers, Johnn Four _______________________________________________________ ******************************************************* RolePlayingMaster Get the latest download of RolePlayingMaster at for the best available DM support software for D&D/D20. RolePlayingMaster now offers advanced quality word processing for adventures and campaigns, strong PC/NPC generation and intelligent generators (including equipment generation), and great support for in-game management of combat. This program has it *all* - easily adapted to other D20 genre and campaign settings. _______________________________________________________ ******************************************************* 7 TIPS FOR ROLEPLAYING ENCOUNTER LOCATIONS Treat your encounter locations like NPCs and you just might get more interesting and entertaining results at the game table. In Issue #219 I made a call-out for roleplaying encounter location ideas. That wonderful list follows as the last tip below. The physical location is just one part of the formula to great roleplaying encounter settings, though. Encounters are like NPCs. And a good roleplaying NPC has multiple dimensions. In addition to designing his statistics, he would benefit from having a personality, a motive or goal, a secret, and a quirk or two, among other things. Treating encounter locations the same way, as a multi-dimensional game element, should give them more personality and life and please your players more. The tips below assume you'll be using the location for a roleplaying type encounter. The tips could easily apply to other types of encounters, such as combat and puzzle, though for those types I'd do things a bit differently. Maybe that would make a good future article? 1. Give The Location An Attitude ================================ You're either in design mode before the game or winging-it mode during the game and you've picked your spot for an encounter. It might be on a pier, in an empty church, or in the furnace room of a hospital. What now? It's important to try and make every encounter location distinct and interesting. The players will be more attentive to the game and their PCs' surroundings. You'll be helping them envision the setting and get into character better. While detailing a location's contents and inhabitants well is important (see tips below), they don't always help make a setting unique. What happens if the PCs visit the same place multiple times? The same old objects and NPCs will probably be there and each encounter in that place will seem less distinct and unique. The solution is to add some attitude. Before the encounter begins, decide on a mood, disposition, or bias for the setting, and make it different each time an encounter takes place in the same location. This way, even if the location is the same, it will have a different feel to it and the players' perceptions of it will change. Example encounter location attitudes: * Friendly * Hostile * Happy * Sad * Miserable * Malicious * Lucky * Mischievous * Romantic * Merry * Weary * Fearful * Casual Once you've picked an attitude, slant the encounter's various elements to suit the mood. This is where your creativity and joy of design comes into play. It's a puzzle. For example, how could you make your next encounter location sad? Some ideas: * Someone has recently died and the NPCs in the area are wearing black arm bands and are sad themselves * The sky is overcast * The air is stale and still * It's quiet * Anything that's moving is doing so slowly, without purpose or urgency * The location is cast in shadow * Flowers and other plants seem wilted * Buildings seem in disrepair * Sad music is being played somewhere nearby * A dog is yelping and crying nearby The PCs return in a couple of days and you decide the location now has a merry attitude: * The period of mourning has ended, the black arm bands are off * A small street party is taking place * Laughter and cheer can be heard from a tavern * Children and pets are running around, playing games * The sun is bright and warm * Plants are perky * The buildings seem taller and straighter * Merry music from a small band has people dancing in the street It's important that the NPCs in your roleplaying encounter react to the attitude you've created. This acknowledges the difference and draws the players' attention to the attitude. It will also queue the players to roleplay and react to the attitude as well, which is one of the main points of the exercise. Adding attitude not only makes encounter locations different and interesting, but makes encounter types different and interesting as well. Imagine a hostage negotiation in the scenarios above. Each roleplaying encounter would feel, and possibly play, differently because of the changed mood of the location. In many cases, you're dealing with a change of perception and a bit of poetic license. Today, the cracks in the walls seem discoloured and ugly; yesterday, they looked like they formed a happy face. As long as you don't mislead the PCs, they'll appreciate the special touches that adding attitude brings. 2. Add A Secret =============== Add a mysterious or unknown element to each encounter location. The secret doesn't need to come into play or even be directly observed by the PCs. It just needs to be there as subtext and used as an interesting encounter element that subtly flavours your roleplaying. As with NPCs and plot secrets, location secrets can help you in other ways, such as by spawning side-plots, acting as hooks, or adding a wow factor to a future session when the secret is revealed to the players. Examples of location secrets: * The area is used by the underworld as a base for illegal activities * A very important NPC lives nearby * It's the secret base of a villain yet to be encountered * A crime is being committed nearby * Something important is buried right beneath the PCs' feet * The residents worship an evil god * The residents are loyal to a crime boss * A serial killer is terrorizing the area * An evil mage has a lab nearby * Fugitives are hiding nearby 3. Make The Encounter Chime With The Location ============================================= Look for opportunities to make the location you've picked synergize with what's happening in the encounter. For example, if the PCs are investigating some stolen jewelry and they're interrogating a petty thief in an alley, you might take up the theme of "theft" and flavour the setting with it. A young hooligan might steal an apple across the street and a cheeky flight from the merchant ensues. Perhaps a dark cloud passes overhead, stealing the light and darkening the shadows of the alley. Perhaps some kids are playing piggy-in-the-middle in the street. If you know what kind of roleplaying will take place and you still have the opportunity to pick the location, choose a setting that matches the anticipated mood or nature of the encounter. If it's going to be a clash of wits, for example, you might set the encounter in a library: As the PCs try to verbally outmanoeuvre their foe, the NPC draws out various scrolls and books from the shelves to accentuate his points. "As the bold, yet misguided, philosopher, Armedes, wrote [taps book in his hand in a condescending manner], just because something could have happened, might have happened, probably have happened, that doesn't mean it *did* happen. [Sigh.] In fact, there is often little relationship between the potential of an event happening, such as the crime you are accusing me of, and the actual occurrence of said event! Good old Armedes [puts book back on shelf]. It's too bad he was hung for making false accusations against the King." This tip works well in conjunction with giving locations attitude. You can set-up a double-whammy of location type and attitude adjustment to lend the place great mood, symbolic props, and poignant atmosphere. 4. Add Objects To The Scene & Interact With Them ================================================ If nature abhors a vacuum, so do encounters. Flesh out a location by filling it up with objects. The added details that objects provide help bring encounters to life. The objects themselves also make great props to help you and your players roleplay. Adding stuff is where many GMs get stuck, especially if they're winging it. It can also be a time-consuming design task. When fleshing out your next location, try these techniques: * Mentally envision the area. This seems like a no-brainer, but it's often poorly done, and therefore yields poor results. What happens is that we get stuck in left-brain, analytical mode. You are presented with a location and you logically try to brainstorm a list of possible contents. Instead, if you graphically try to imagine what the area or place looks like, all sorts of details can come to mind that a brainstorm list might not get. Start with picturing the structure or boundaries of the area. Then fill in the lighting. Then entrances and exits. The think of what the purpose of the area is and what kinds of things would be around that would serve this purpose. Picture furniture, tools, machinery, decoration, and storage. One of the big benefits of envisioning a location instead of just listing its contents is that you can usually instantly summon the picture during a session and describe it to the players with greater speed and ease than finding and reciting off of a list. This is also an activity you can perform while driving, standing in line, etc. During a session, while winging-it, it often just takes a few moments to conjure up an image before you start the encounter. * Find a picture. Use magazines, books, or the internet to find a visual of your location. Then note the scene's contents and make a an inventory from there. If the genre and details are close, you can simply use the picture during the session. Just be prepared to answer all the "what's this?" questions you'll get! * Have a player describe the scene. Players usually have less going on than you will and can spare a few brain cycles to ponder what contents the location would have. Once the player in done her description, you add in any other important items as required. It's often effective to give the player a couple minutes' advance notice so they can properly ponder what the location holds. When the encounter starts, you might say, "Ok, I'm going to take a couple minute pause to get my notes in order. Bob, I'm going to ask you to describe the scene for us, including some details about what's lying around and what furniture and other things are present." Once you've filled the area up with stuff, be sure to interact with it. Don't have the NPCs stay rooted to their starting positions as they parley with the PCs. Have them pour themselves a drink, peer out a window, summon the shoe shine boy, or pick up the fire poker and wave it around. This will encourage the players to do the same and will bring the location to life. Feel free to have the props act upon the NPCs and PCs too! Have something fall (not dangerously though), something operate, something move or make a noise. Have something break, spill, or work exceptionally well. 5. Add NPCs To The Scene & Interact With Them ============================================= We know it's going to be a roleplaying encounter, so there's going to be at least one NPC, be it a person, intelligent magic item, smart beast, or what have you. However, when possible, add more NPCs to your locations. Encounters hate being lonely! The purpose is to flesh out the encounter with things to interact with or talk about. Non-essential NPCs are great fuel for adding flavour and enhancing the roleplaying. Often, their mere presence helps the players feel like there's a vibrant world out there. It's ironic, but quite often dungeon encounters have more people and creatures in them than roleplaying ones do. :) Example background NPCs: * Servants * Guests * Agents * Visitors * Family * Passersby * Customers * Spies * Attendants * Girl/boyfriends * Curiosity seekers * Eavesdroppers * Contractors * Assistants * Employees * Slaves * Employers * Managers * Friends If your genre allows it, think of some unusual NPCs to spice things up--just beware of their distraction potential though. * Smart pets * Aliens * Ambassador * Familiar or charmed animal * Intelligent magic item * Animated furniture * Avatar * Automated machinery * Magical presence (i.e. wizard eye) * Holographic presence Adding NPCs also creates more witnesses. You can use this as a defensive or offensive GMing tactic. For example, it would be harder to for the barbarian commit a spontaneous attack/murder in a stadium full of sports fans than it would if the encounter took place beneath a bridge. To be on the offensive, and to create greater challenge, prying eyes and straining ears can make some types of roleplaying encounters more interesting for the PCs. Witnesses, and "filler" NPCs in general, are a great GM tool, so use them generously. 6. Think Z-Axis =============== Don't forget to think in three dimensions when considering the encounter location. Think left, right, up, and down. Believe it or not, your roleplaying encounters could suffer from the same toe-to-toe syndrome that your combat encounters might! Instead of the PCs and NPC(s) always standing or sitting close together and chatting, separate them and place them in all three dimensions. Put the NPC up on a ladder as he's painting a room or looking for a book. Place the non-player character in the tiny cellar or up in the loft. Have the PCs straining their necks as they stand speaking with the mounted guard. In your next encounter, try to add stairs, ladders, elevators, a dais, a pit, a cellar, a platform, and so on. Have the NPC(s) move around during the encounter so that they move through the location's varied space to further drive home the impression of dimension. Add in some range and suddenly you have many more options and opportunities for bringing roleplaying encounters to life. Think waaaay up, and deeeep down. Think what's a few dozen yards to the north, east, west, and south. What's happening in the area around the ground zero point of the encounter? For example: * What events are occurring nearby? * Have NPCs "go for a walk" so that the encounter takes place on the move, further adding dimension to the location. * What sounds and sights from nearby might impinge upon the encounter location? Try to avoid adding too many distractions to a location, but it wouldn't hurt for every third encounter or so to have motion or be impacted by something else nearby in mid- roleplay. 7. Huge List Of Roleplaying Locations ===================================== Following is a nice, long list of location ideas for your upcoming roleplaying encounters. These should act as kernels to which you add attitude, secrets, objects, NPCs, and dimension. Thanks to everyone again for their submissions! 1. A dog (or fantasy creature) pound 2. Abandoned mine 3. Abandoned Victorian hospital 4. Abandoned/active distillery 5. Aboard a ship 6. Aboard an airship 7. Airport 8. Alternate plane or dimension 9. Amphitheatre 10. Amusement park 11. An AA Meeting 12. Ancient caves beneath the sewer systems 13. Animal fight 14. Anniversary party 15. Antique wine-cellar 16. Anywhere where the power is cut 17. Apothecary shop 18. Archery contest 19. Army Camp 20. Around the office water-cooler 21. Art gallery 22. Atomic test observation bunker 23. Attic 24. Auction block square 25. Auction house 26. Awards ceremony 27. Back room in a carpet salesman's shop 28. Back stairs 29. Backstage at a play or opera 30. Balcony 31. Bar 32. Base of an active volcano 33. Base of an ancient triumphal arch 34. Basement 35. Bathhouse 36. Bathysphere 37. Beach 38. Behind a hedge along the side of the road 39. Behind the barn 40. Behind the smithy 41. Bell tower 42. Below a bridge 43. Below gallows 44. Beside a statue 45. Beside jugglers 46. Birthday party 47. Birthing 48. Blind Man's House 49. Boiler Room 50. Box seats at the theatre or opera 51. Boxing match 52. Branches of a giant tree 53. Brewery 54. Bridge 55. Bridge deck of the ship 56. Bridge pylon at water level 57. Bridge service platform 58. Brothel 59. Burned tower 60. Burning windmill at night 61. Bustling bazaar 62. Cabin in the woods 63. Canal 64. Candy factory 65. Car chop shop 66. Car race 67. Cargo hold of a starship while in orbit 68. Carriage 69. Casino 70. Castle laundry 71. Cave while the ship sits off shore 72. Caverns under an iceberg 73. Cellar 74. Cemetery 75. Children's Playground 76. Church 77. Church/shrine 78. Circus Wagon 79. City's abandoned mines 80. City baths 81. City battlements 82. City gates 83. City or castle wall 84. Classy penthouse 85. Cliff overlooking a canyon 86. Cliff overlooking a great waterfall 87. Cloister of a monastery where the monks are sworn to silence 88. Cloister of a nunnery where you are not a nun or even a woman 89. Cockpit 90. Coffee house 91. College campus 92. Coliseum 93. Common table in a crowded inn 94. Company board meeting 95. Confessional at a church 96. Construction site 97. Corn fields just before harvest 98. Coronation 99. Courtroom 100. Covered wagon 101. Creepy, deserted windmill at night 102. Crime lord's furnished house 103. Crossroads 104. Crossroads in farmland 105. Crossroads in wilderness 106. Dark corner of the tavern 107. Death-house 108. Demolition derby 109. Deserted island 110. Deserted space station 111. Dining car on a train 112. Dining room of a well-to-do merchant by invitation 113. Doctor's office 114. Dog kennel 115. Dog race 116. Dojo 117. Dormant volcano 118. Dressing room (or prop room) 119. During a public speech 120. During a royal hunt 121. Edge of a waterfall 122. Elegant salon 123. Embassy 124. Fairgrounds 125. Famous monument 126. Farmer's field 127. Ferry boat 128. Ferry dock 129. Fireworks factory 130. Fish pond 131. Floating inner tubes 132. Flooded town 133. Flying buttress of a cathedral 134. Foggy graveyard 135. Foggy street corner 136. Food vendor's cart 137. Football stadium at night 138. Ford 139. Fountain 140. Foxhole 141. Funeral 142. Furniture shop 143. Gallows 144. Gallows tree 145. Garden 146. Garden of hot springs 147. Gentleman's drawing room 148. Ghost town 149. Girlfriend's boudoir 150. Go-carts 151. Grain silo 152. Graveyard at night 153. Harem 154. Haunted house 155. Haunted woods 156. Hayloft 157. Hedge maze 158. Hen coop 159. High-rise building being wired for demolition 160. Hobbit/halfling hole 161. Hollow trunk of large tree 162. Horse race 163. Hot air balloon 164. House built among the roots under an old tree 165. House of mirrors 166. In a dinghy 167. In the box seating at an opera, musical, or ballet 168. In the midst of a procession through town 169. Inactive volcano 170. Initiation rite 171. Inside a clock tower 172. Inside of a stone circle 173. Internet cafe 174. Island from whence none have returned 175. Island in a river 176. Isolated cave 177. Isolated lodge 178. Jail 179. Jewellery shop 180. Jousting tourney 181. King's bed chambers 182. Kitchen 183. Lady's garden 184. Lady's parlor 185. Land-mine riddled former battlefield 186. Levitating together 187. Library 188. Lighthouse 189. Limousine 190. Lingerie modeling session 191. Lion cage 192. Livery stable 193. Magic carpet 194. Market square 195. Market/bazaar 196. Mayday (spring) festival 197. Meadow 198. Middle of a ring of flames 199. Military training facility 200. Mill 201. Miser's House 202. Missile test range 203. Monastery/family burial crypt 204. Moor 205. Mountain top 206. Movie/TV show production set 207. Museum 208. Night club 209. Noble's personal well room 210. Noble's quarters lit only by a few candles and a crackling fire 211. Nuclear power facility 212. Old battlefield 213. Old burned-out church 214. Old castle ruins 215. Old marooned ship 216. Only inhabited house in a ghost town 217. Orphanage 218. Outdoor festival/carnival 219. Pantry 220. Parent's House 221. Park 222. Pavilion or gazebo 223. Peak of ghost hill 224. Pier 225. Pig wallow 226. Pirate cave while pirates are away 227. Place of worship 228. Playhouse, backstage 229. Playhouse, in the audience 230. Pocket dimension 231. Police interrogation room 232. Political or religious rally 233. Pony express station 234. Prison 235. Private gardens 236. Private meeting hall inside an inn or tavern 237. Privy/jakes/bathroom 238. Public baths 239. Public park 240. Public square 241. Puppet show 242. Quarry 243. Queen's bed chambers 244. Quicksand pool 245. Racetrack 246. Radio sound booth 247. Rafters of a great hall 248. Rented coach/wagon 249. Restaurant with violinist playing at the table 250. Rich party 251. Rickety bridge over a deep ravine 252. Rifle range 253. Ring of monolithic stones whose centre is a mirror-like pool 254. River bank 255. River/ocean dock 256. Roadhouse outside town 257. Roadside shrine 258. Roller coaster 259. Rooftop 260. Royal garden party 261. Ruined farmhouse 262. Sauna/bathhouse 263. Scribe's shop 264. Secluded clearing in the woods 265. Secret society dressing room 266. Sedan 267. Seedy hotel room 268. Sewer tunnel 269. Shaman Hut 270. Ship's bilge 271. Ship's crows nest 272. Shipwreck 273. Shuttle launch platform just before launch 274. Side of the road just outside of town 275. Skeleton of an extinct great beast 276. Slave market 277. Sleazy back alley 278. Small desert island 279. Small, secluded island just off the coast of a major city 280. Smuggler's cove 281. Snowed-in cabin 282. Soundproof booth 283. Spa 284. Space station 285. Space walk 286. Sport team dressing room 287. Sporting arena 288. Stable 289. Stock exchange 290. Storm cellar 291. Street corner 292. Street festival 293. Surprise party 294. Swimming pool 295. Tea house 296. Temple 297. Theatre, empty 298. Theatre, full 299. Theme park ride 300. Tidal pool 301. Tightrope 302. Tobacco drying barn 303. Top of a desert butte 304. Top of a tower that has just been hit by a catapult/cannon 305. Torture chamber 306. Tower 307. Town well 308. Tree house 309. Tribal mound 310. Truck pull rally 311. UN chambers 312. Under a bridge 313. Under the bleachers 314. Underwater cave 315. Upper floor of skyscraper under construction 316. Vault of a bank 317. Video game, anime, or comic book convention 318. Village square 319. Warehouse 320. Water park with an adjoining go-kart track 321. Waterfall 322. Well 323. Windmill 324. Wine cellar 325. World's fair 326. Wrestling Ring 327. XXX theatre 328. Zoo _______________________________________________________ ******************************************************* CHECK OUT DWARVEN FORGE'S NEW WEBSITE * GREAT On-line GM Tools * Previews of New Sets! * Message Boards and Photo Galleries * News _______________________________________________________ ******************************************************* READERS' TIPS OF THE WEEK 1. NPC Moods From: Rick Friedman ====================== When most GMs create NPCs they assign them certain characteristics, such as extrovert/introvert, etc. We all know these. I've had many times where I'm staring at this and am scratching my head thinking...ok, what now? I figured if I could get deeper into what that NPC has been going through in his personal life, it might reflect in the way he interacts with the PCs. I've tried to keep it simple, but you can see how easily you can add modifiers, or other areas of influence. Basic areas of influence: * Money * Love * Luck * Health By rolling a die (10, 20, or 00, personal preference) you can see if they're having a good or bad day in that part of their life (or week, month, year). High rolls mean the NPC is doing well in that area, low not so good. It's hopefully straightforward and you can see where it may even lead to some fun side-quests. 1) Hey, the innkeeper got some money (+Money) in from his new marriage (+Love), but is sick (-Health) and is willing to pay the PCs to travel to the next town and bring it back. 2) A lot of NPCs are in bad health. Is there a plague in the works? 3) A lot of good fortune: organized crime paying people to be quiet. A lot of bad fortune: extorting protection money. 2. RPG Sound Mixer (PC) From: Bluemagician The Sorcerer ================================== re: Hi Johnn, I've been reading your ezine for quite a while. As I find in almost every issue a worthwhile tip, I always wanted to return the favor one day. So, when I read the Reader's Tip about Winamp-Playlists I finally had my own tip. For there is a program out there for exactly that purpose: managing your music and sounds for roleplaying sessions. It's called RPG Soundmixer and a free demo can be found here: It's a great and powerful program, and although the original program and website is German, most of it has been translated to English. 3. Dealing With Spotlight Requests From: Garry Stahl ================================== Personally, I don't set up encounters with the characters in mind--unless the foe has the characters in mind. I simply construct the situation and let the characters bring what they have to bear against it. I used to get the complaint (always from the same people) "there is nothing for my character to do." Eventually, I had the epiphany that this was code for, "I'm not constantly the center of attention." I sat my group down and explained that it was not my responsibility to play their characters. They were responsible for applying their skills and ideas to the circumstances of my creation. That has been my functional doctrine since. Create the scenario and let the players decide how to apply the characters' abilities to solve it. The only thing I avoid is the one-solution problem unless the tools are right in front of the party. i.e. The one key will be around the bad guy's neck. It is up to them to get the tools, but the tools are presented and obtainable. 4. Metric Movement Rates From: Paul Simmons ======================== re: These are great. I will definitely be using this for my games. Here are some metric conversions: Creature Or Vehicle - Base Distance Moved Per 6 Seconds ------------------------------------------------------- Insect, small flying (i.e. bumble bee) - 12 m. Insect, small walking (i.e. beetle) - 0.9 m. Insect, large flying (i.e. locust, giant bee) - 36 m. Insect, large walking - 1 m. Dog, small - 12 m. Dog, large - 12 m. Horse - 12 m. Human, small (i.e. gnome, dwarf, goblin) - 6 m. Human - 9 m. Tiger - 12 m. Elephant - 12 m. Tyrannosaurus Rex - 12 m. Bird, small (raven) - 12 m. Bird, medium (hawk) - 18m. Bird, large (osprey) - 18m. Bird, humongous (roc) - 24 m. Skateboard - 18 m. Rollerblades - 18 m. Bicycle - 24 m. Cart or wagon - 6 m. Rowboat - 4.5 m. Galley - 12 m. Schooner - 6 m. The Formula =========== Metres per minute: Base Distance x 10 Kilometres per hour: Base Distance x 3/5 or 0.6 Kilometres per day: Base Distance x 2 2/15 or 2.13333* * this could be rounded to a simple 2.1 or 2.2 _______________________________________________________ ******************************************************* The Roleplaying Tips GM Encyclopedia THE ULTIMATE GMing REFERENCE TOOL Need advice fast? Inbox full? Hard Drive crashed? Missing valuable Roleplaying Tips issues? Fear not! 4 years, 200 issues, 2200+ tips, all sorted for you by Issue#, Tip Topic, Type Of Tip, and more. For information, screen shots, and ordering info click here: _______________________________________________________ ******************************************************* That's it for this week's issue. Have more fun at every game! Johnn Four _______________________________________________________ ******************************************************* MY PRIVACY POLICY & HOW TO SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE "Roleplaying Tips Weekly" is provided to you free of charge by It is sent only to those who have specifically requested to receive it. My subscriber list has never been and never will be available to any third party. EVER! Your privacy is very important to me, therefore it receives the respect it deserves. SUBSCRIBE TO "ROLEPLAYING TIPS WEEKLY" UNSUBSCRIBE FROM "ROLEPLAYING TIPS WEEKLY" Copyright (c) 2004, Johnn Four, All Rights Reserved. email: web site: