Subject: Roleplaying Tips Weekly Supplemental #10: Subscribers' Online Games ***You have received this document because my autoresponder system processed a request with your email in the Reply To field. This is a plain text document with no attachments. If you have received this document in error, report abuse to Please note that I cannot help in the cases of spoofed, relayed, ghosted, or forged emails.*** Thank you for requesting: Roleplaying Tips Weekly Supplemental #10 "Subscribers' Online Games" This list of Roleplaying Tips Weekly subscriber sites is to help GMs and players find online games. Potential game types include: * Message board and forum games * PBeM * IRC, ICQ, Chat * MUD, MUSH, MOO Feel free to check each site out and ask questions of the webmasters/contacts listed. If you find any bad links or wish to add your own site to this list, please email: Enjoy. Regards, Johnn Four @@@@@@ Realm of Imagination The place where almost anything can happen. Long separated friends meet, faeries fly, unicorns enchant and befriend maidens, dragons breathe flame, mermaids swim, pegasi soar, trolls guard, dwarves dig, cats mindspeak, discoveries await, adventures unfold, and quests to better one's self are ignited.... @@@@@@ A cross-over World of Darkness game. @@@@@@ As per your request here is a link to the game that I have been head DM for almost 2 years. Each player has the opportunity to take a stint DMing as his or her interest and time permit. It's a 3rd edition game based in Greyhawk using the Yahoo! Groups system for posting. The game is fast-paced (daily posts expected) and we strongly encourage role-playing, character development and interaction. The archives are open to the public to read and people are welcome to subscribe if they would like. Presently the game is full for players but lurkers are always welcome and new players are chosen from that category. Here's the link: @@@@@@ A PBeM deadlands game: @@@@@@ Hi! :-) My name is Timo and I run a P&P-like PBeM called 'Wandhura- RPG' and a storytelling-PBeM called 'Wandhura-Dark' on Yahoo! Groups. They're both in German only at the moment but I'd love to start a version in English some day if I'd find a partner/Co-GM who would help me GMing it! Anyway, we're to be found under under using 'wandhura' as a search-string! Here are also the addresses of both sites: Our e-mail address is: @@@@@@ Hello John, Your request for Online Roleplay is right up my alley. With the help of several others on the net, a group of us started The Living Web. We started as a few dozen DMs that joined together to build a world to play Online DnD in. Over time, our DM numbers have grown and we still encourage new DMs to join the ranks and help with the continual development of the world (we use FR as our foundation). After getting the foundational elements in order, we opened our doors to Players last year. Their numbers have grown substantially and we have over 400 PCs in our database. The link to our primary page is For more information, please feel free to contact: Jones Tyler @@@@@@ Hi, In your Tips mail you asked GMs to mail you if they are playing a game online by PBeM or message board. I DM a PBMB game, and, although I in my own game aren't searching for new players, I feel that other people should also have the chance to play in one of the other great games over at the gaming site I'm a MOD for: :). Dromar @@@@@@ Hey Johnn, We have a real-time, web-based game called "Shifting Winds and Crimson Waters", using the World of Darkness as a background, with our chronicle set in the city of Calgary and thereabouts, in Canada. We encourage all people who want to try a new W.O.D. game to take a look at our site. All systems present: Vampire, Werewolf, Changeling, Mage and Wraith, each with a staff person who's responsible for it. The URL is: Yours, Ivar - Administrator for the Werewolf system @@@@@@ Mine's a forum game; we play Werewolf: The Dark Ages at and we're always looking for more players. @@@@@@ Do you ever discuss new on-line role playing games? My daughter has started one in connection with her virtual horse game. It's called Eberhard, and can be found at (click play to read the current story line). This site is set up to allow kids to enjoy rpgs, while still amusing to adults. More characters will be added as time goes on, and the site is moderated. @@@@@@ In your Tips Newsletter, you asked for any on-line games, here is a link the one I play in most. It's a world of untold chronicles of RP in Yahoo! dedicated to bring fun and excitement to any who wish to experience it. Guidelines or Rules, the power is in the hands of the players, not a single Administrator or two. Thank you, Rikali @@@@@@ Hello, I run a PBEM Call of Cthulhu game called the Innsmouth Connection. Although the game is full, I welcome lurkers. I've had a blast with the game so far. The website is: Thanks, Cody @@@@@@ Hey the ezine, I hate to be a bother but I was wondering if you could do me a favor. I'm trying to design an MMORPG for roleplayers, not powergamers. I was wondering if you could mention the site I have for it at so I might be able to get some input from your readers.. ? :) GM Apollo @@@@@@ Greetings, I am one of the two people who run the Global Guardians, the largest shared-world Champions PBEM on the internet (20 separate campaigns, over 200 active characters, all set in the same universe and all running concurrently). We've been active for four years. The link is My other PBEM is an AD&D world and currently has two active campaigns. It can be found at This one has been active for only a year. Jack @@@@@@ Here's the breakdown for my PBEM campaign. The game's been running now for almost four years with essentially the same core players. Game Title: The Realms of Enlightenment Game Genre: Fantasy Game Rules: D&D 2E with some Warhammer Fantasy and Palladium Fantasy added here and there. (The switch to 3E may be on the horizon, but so much of 3E is based around miniatures and tactics that I'm not sure how well it will work for my game.) Game Website: Game Online Turn Archive: @@@@@@ Hi there, The link to our rpg game is and we meet on Thank you for providing such a service to us! Sincerely, Chris (or Edan_CM) @@@@@@ A great place to learn about MUDs, MUSHes, MOOs, and all of the different types is at the Mudconnector, which is located at @@@@@@ Software: GRIP (Generic Role-playing for Internet Players) is a set of personal gaming software that brings you all of the basic tools required to conduct a typical face-to-face role- playing session, and combines them with the power of networking to let you literally play any role-playing game with anyone, anywhere in the world. [Comment from Johnn: GRIP is commercial software and support has been reported as poor.] Also see: (monthly fee) (free, d20) (free, d20) @@@@@@ I hope this document has helped you find the online RPG you were looking for. Have more fun at every game! End of Supplemental #10 @@@@@@