Subject: Roleplaying Tips Weekly Supplemental #9: Remedies For GM Burn-Out ***You have received this document because my autoresponder system processed a request with your email in the Reply To field. This is a plain text document with no attachments. If you have received this document in error, report abuse to Please note that I cannot help in the cases of spoofed, relayed, ghosted, or forged emails.*** Thank you for requesting: Roleplaying Tips Weekly Supplemental #9 "Remedies For GM Burn-Out" Lots of great tips from subscribers in this supplemental issue covering everything from being sick of gaming to having writer's block. I hope the cure for you lies herein! Enjoy. Regards, Johnn Four Note on Navigation: To quickly move between readers' emails, use your application's Find or Search feature and look for @@@@@@. I have purposely used six 'at signs' because they do not appear in anyone's post and will not confuse searching. @@@@@@ From: Craig P. As a player in a long running campaign (20+ years) may I make some suggestions to avoid burn-out based on our GM? 1. Be open to new players. The GM and I are the only original members of the campaign. New players bring in a different style and feeling with their characters, adding new interests for both GM and the other players. 2. Nurture new characters. As you can imagine, after 20 years there has been what seems like hundreds of player characters. It is easy for both players and GMs to get bored with a character after months or years of playing. (This is much easier with a skill-based system than a level based one. A well rounded 100pt GURPS character can contribute almost as much as a 300pt one.) 3. Encourage players to help build the world. It is impossible to work out every detail of your world. Allowing the players to participate in the creation gives them an investment in the world. One of my characters became the leader of one of the main cities in the campaign, giving me the opportunity to flesh out the entire governing system. 4. "Play" NPCs. There is usually little objection to the GM running a well thought out NPC, especially if it fills a hole in the party composition. Just make sure he doesn't try to solve all the party problems. Player characters can also change to NPCs when the player leaves the group. The GM has a ready-made NPC complete with background, personality and a connection to the party. Retired characters can also turn into Semi-NPCs, being still run by the player but showing up just occasionally. 5. Ask the players. When a dry spell hits, ask the players what direction they would like the campaign to go. Their ideas may jump-start a whole new chapter. 6. Take a break. There is nothing wrong with taking a hiatus in playing. Our longest break was nearly a year as various personal things got in the way. If you keep in touch with the players, you can pick up again as soon as things improve. @@@@@@ From: Cameron Goble Hey Johnn, Our group's GM has been a real trooper. Week after week he's had good story and development, he's plotted out at least three ways for our party to go, and he's always up on the rules he'll need to bring into play. But in the face of a 40+ hour per week day job, a fiancee, and other things out there in the real world, the prospect of keeping up with everything was getting to be tough on him. Our solution was to have two games with separate GMs going within the same group. When one game reached a narratively appropriate point to stop for a while (generally after three or four sessions), the GM would step down and become a player in the other game, while one of the players would turn into the GM of his own game for a while. Two separate story lines, two GMs doing their own thing, two totally different parties. It's been working great. Each GM gets to play on the other side of the screen for a while - our "first" one hasn't been a player for years, and I think it's really reinvigorated him. Also, he gets a couple of weeks to cool down, go over his story line, and spend time cooking up our next adventure without having to worry about time constraints. When his game starts up again, he always presents a polished, well- constructed scenario for us. Perhaps one of the contributing factors to GM Burnout is the constant sense of flying by the seat of one's pants - having a couple weeks break seems to get around this problem. It works well preventing player burnout too: everyone gets to shift party roles every few weeks, as nobody plays the same type of character in both games. We're an experimental bunch of players, so we get to explore lots of different ways to play characters. The reason we started doing this, by the way, was to work our way into using the 3rd edition D20 rules. Our game had been 2nd Edition AD&D, and when D20 came out, we didn't want to have to switch our beloved characters out without knowing exactly what we were doing, so a separate D20 game was started. Now both games are D20, and the benefit is that if the actual GM doesn't know a particular rule off-hand, chances are the playing GM will. Our games have therefore been very balanced, and we haven't had a confrontation over rules interpretation yet. Thanks for the great work you're doing! @@@@@@ From: Tom Z. If you're burned out on the original theme then start again, but within the same setting and campaign. If you used the Vikings example then rather than trying to emulate Nordic sagas, switch themes totally. Invade the homelands with pseudo-Normans and switch to a Robin Hood outlaw game. Turn on the Cthulhu and start to reveal conspiracies between sorcerers, priests and unholy sacrifices to unknowable gods, or even suggest that Odin himself is an avatar of something more unknowable. Basically re-invent the campaign as another game but layered upon the previous one. This actually creates a deeper and multi-layered game. 1. Research. Watch new films, read new books. Maybe reading noir detective books can be layered into the game as a series of dark ages murder investigations. Maybe your dark vampire game could cope with a touch of super hero inspired heroism? Keep feeding new and wildly divergent ideas into your existing maps and cities. SF games can absorb space dwelling dragons, fantasy can cope with swashbucklers or espionage. 2. Wargame, boardgame. Buy Hordes of the Things or Chainmail and run some large battles, tied into the campaign but maybe without the PCs as heroes. Letting your hair down with what is a rest from roleplaying but which still builds the richness of the world. If you play the games straight, with no PC heroes, the outcomes can be used to spark off new campaign thrusts. For example, a set battle between the Necromancer Slarge and his host of skeletons against the Dwarfs of the Bumpy Mountains. Play it, have fun, see who wins or loses. But if the skeletons win, then the campaign will be full of dispossessed dwarfs looking for work, trouble, help, finance, revenge. The Bumpy Mountains will be full of undead, the balance of power will shift, the lands may be threatened. And the defeat of the Necromancer may reveal a deadlier threat, the nomadic hordes that his undead zone held back, or the dwarfs may prove to be not so friendly with their key enemy gone, and the victorious dwarf forces may march on the PCs' homelands. The idea is to relax, let the PCs play the game, moderate and share the fun, receive creative input that you can't wholly predict. @@@@@@ From: Andy T. Johnn, The one thing that I have found to be a sure fire remedy to lack of inspiration is just to sit back and let somebody else take the reins for a while. Watch some movies, be a player, forget the hassles, and relax. Essentially, recharge your batteries and play the game, have fun and enjoy. If you don't enjoy the game you won't run an enjoyable game. It's as simple as that. If you are running a sci-fi stealth game (i.e. Shadowrun), try some fantasy for a while. If you have been playing fantasy try some Sci-fi, change tack. My best, basic tip is to turn the game on its head. Have a breather, like your favourite TV show for example. Occasionally they have a weird episode (musical Buffy for example) and it's a change of pace, something new and when you go back to what you are used to, it seems fresh again. Give it a whirl, have a time out, play a boardgame. Remember that too much of a good thing is a bad thing. @@@@@@ From: Dave W. Hello there, Yes indeed I did suffer from burn-out with my games. I had been playing pretty constantly, 1/week, with 4 friends. I GMed and I was having a good time for most of those 13-14 years. I had played in a few games but mostly I GMed. Well we had started a new game, sorta a traditional game meets Arab/desert world idea. People made characters and we were playing but things just didn't fit, didn't work. I was just not happy with the game. So I left fantasy. I played some dark games, Vampire, and Werewolf, and though they were fun, it just wasn't the same grand types of games I had run before. I tried Trinity/Aeon which was a romp but really nothing great for me. I kept feeling I lacked or rather my games lacked a certain umph. Now, I guess to my credit, players continued wanting to run games with me as GM. Which I did, but my heart and soul really weren't always in it and I could see it even if they didn't. What changed for me was coming up with a new idea, something I had hashed out in bits with friends over the years. Well about two years later I had worked on it and I really liked it! It had a great long term goal, mysteries, and secrets the party would have to discover, potential for a lot of growth and interesting (to me) villains and heroes. D&D 3E was just coming out and I felt this was a great way to try out an old favorite whom I hadn't played in nearly 10 years. It has turned out to be great. For me I needed the background story. Sure there may be parts the players never learn about, but they don't need to. I do. It helps me make my decisions, and where villains do what they do and what countries are at conflict and why. Well it has been fun so far and we're still going. Thanks for the great info you provide weekly. @@@@@@ From: Dwayne T. Hi Johnn, I just got the new Roleplaying Tips Weekly and it was like Andrew was an alien who kidnapped me to braintape my mind and then give me amnesia so I didn't know, and then used the biggest problem that exists in the gaming partition of my noodle to write about...or maybe it would just be easier to say he read my mind? GM burn-out is THE NUMBER 1 BANE OF EVERY CAMPAIGN THAT OUR GROUP HAS EVER PUT OUT. It has been appearing before we even begin in my campaigns, but the prologue session of this radically different post-modern campaign has changed that a lot. Last Saturday, we were going to go to a party but it seems that the hostess did not show up, so it was unanimously decided (by all but me) that I GM a meeting between the present players' (which are all but one) characters. Despite my total lack of preparation (and my neurotic fear of trying to get the players to interact without a plan in my head) the session was a TOTAL success! I had to introduce a plot thread a little early, but it got everyone introduced, and most of the characters on one side. It rocked! And I think that the new genre (as well as some blunt analysis on my techniques, a reestablishment of techniques that got players excited and some great advice by both Robin'S Laws Of Good GMing and...of course...RPTips). We have one other real GM who always seems too burnout at the apex of the gaming excitement. It really sux too, because he is a spectacular GM who makes every player's character who tries to be a good addition to the game feel like he's in the limelight. It's a lot like going on the roller coaster that you just absolutely know is going to be the best ever and then stopping just before the big scream. Not just stopping, but falling out of the carts to fall all the way to the cement. I have said many times that I will not play in another of his campaigns because of his constantly giving up. Isn't that crazy? @@@@@@ From: BillyBeanbag One of the greatest lessons I learned about GM burn-out came at a time when I was playing instead of running the game. When I got started in the hobby, I was the first one to own the books, and for most of my early gaming career, I was always the one running the games. The few exceptions didn't really give me a chance for character development or progression. So I groomed a replacement and switched sides of the screen for a while. What I learned is that at first it's kind of like a parent riding beside a young driver who's learning the skills needed to make it without you. It can be frustrating and fun, but eventually you get past that and can relax. In gaming, the feeling of 'having to be the GM' can overshadow your whole experience. Once I got to play I started thinking about what it was that I wanted from the game as a player. This was a fundamental shift in my thinking that changed the way I run games as a GM. By listening to the things I responded most to, and those things that really excited other players, I got a much better sense of how to put adventures and campaigns together that will suffer less burn-out and create memories that people will talk about years hence. Just my two coppers' worth @@@@@@ From: Simon M. My History Lesson. It's happened to me about 3 times. The first time was when I started college, I got a real social life and was working in a part time job. Most of my friends were starting to date girls and there seemed more important things to do than game. I return to gaming some 5 years (I was in my mid 20's) later when an old friend was cleaning out some junk at his parents' house in order to move into a small unit. He discovered a box of gaming stuff. Three weeks later we had a few games & it set the course for 3 strong years of gaming. AD&D 2nd Edition had just come out and we were really hooked on Planescape. Computer games and getting married put an end to our weekend sessions and it wasn't until I heard about D&D 3rd edition in 1999 I came back to gaming. 1. Starting Points & Ideas Fade. This can be stopped & solved by having well fleshed characters with plenty of personality traits, backgrounds, convictions, contacts & family links. Throw stacks of NPCs at your characters & let "THEM" do the work. Your idea should be brief and simple to attach them to a part of the story line. Players are the lifeblood and we all know that factory of adventure ideas takes a dive at some time. The best thing to do is to find out what you players are hungry for, then "FEED" them. Bill likes a dungeon crawl, Jenny likes a murder mystery, Bob likes long ships & keeps, and lastly Anna likes dragons & romance. So work with that. Keeping a campaign fun is hard work and takes a good deal of work & time. Make sure you know that before starting. If your personal life is really full with work, studies, children, and hobbies then it might not be a good for you to run a big campaign. Stick to small short Quests. Don't start something you can't finish. 2. Villains, Creatures & NPC Villains. Treat them like a proper character, with their own history, backgrounds, flaws, perks, convictions and all the rest. They must have goals and reasons for doing what they are doing, while keeping it simple. Joan is working on a Villain. She is using a Viking campaign setting template and so selects a Frost Giant Chief as one of her three bad guys. She then lists things about him. Strong, Bossy, Mean, Tough, Fit, Swordsman. Killed many, bad childhood, no family, no partner, trusts nobody. Visualise to heighten areas (Caverns & Dungeons). Room descriptions can be a really big problem. It's a lot of work to write up a 30 room level and by the 10th room it's downright painful. Change the way you do it. Imagine your self as a hero walking into this room, look around, what do you see... Creatures? Conditions? Colour & Components? 3. Quest Preparation Feels Like Work. Putting together a campaign is a lot of work. The idea is to cut the work down into manageable chunks or blocks. Work out the nuts and bolts for the first quest, make some brief notes for ideas for any connectors along with possible creatures and setting briefs and leave it alone till you get up to that stage. Things change over the course of one or two games and you might have to change things. Never work on your quests for more the 2 hours at a time, keep it fresh by doing it in small, punchy, half hour bites. Work with lists, small paragraphs and flow charts rather then huge masses of hand written or typed material. Keep areas like caverns & dungeons to a room limit of say 15 rooms and only 2 levels. Try and invent at least 3 creatures per quest. And never be afraid to scrap possible ideas for some thing new that may prove better... For example: Joan is now running her first quest, "The Dogs of Death". The story hook is very simple, The players must solve the murders in the city area in order to claim the 140gp reward. A rival party is also attempting to solve this mystery and claim the prize. The party needs this 140gp in order to repay a loan from a Loan Shark. The party soon collects enough facts & clues discovering a secret gang of mercenaries working in the bell tower who are using trained hunting dogs to attack unsuspecting victims and rob them. Rather then infiltrating their lair in the bell tower, the party in a complete turn-around instead informs the Home Guard and sneaks into the Loan Shark's hide-out. Joan, now in a complete panic, decides to cut for a break while she works out a new tack. Working on the fly, 10 minutes of think-tanking comes up with the following connectors. The Home Guards are corrupt and work for a rival thieves guild, the Bloody Cutlass. The Loan Shark works for the thieves guild, Blue Griffins. The third party here is a band of goblin night assassins. This quest & campaign turned out to be one of Joan's best. 4. Player Expectations. Make sure players start off with the character profession they want. Make sure their characters are fully fleshed out giving you lots to work with. Make sure you know what they want in the game, Action, Mystery, Romance, etc. Even if the party is all fighters and thieves, work with that. Never have a player use another player's character, that always leads to tears and infighting. Don't try and save them from themselves, if they do some thing stupid let them wear it, you don't however have to kill them--just punish them. Yes we should be aware that players are expecting us to keep delivering... But as the Narrator/Storyteller/DM you should know this and revel in it by setting up you players with story baits and hooks, the ones they in turn asked for at the start of the quest. 5. Player Envy. Avoid player envy (i.e. wishing you were the one playing) by playing in a completely separate game group. It's good advice to never just constantly run games. Even playing a computer game can do the trick. 6. Frustration & Restless Bored Players. GMs have told me countless horror stories where players almost drove them insane with constant nagging about their character, nagging about the lack of magic items and how such-and-such new RPG is loads better. Stick to a generic campaign setting (boringly plain) then select areas to enhance, with simple themes & ideas, to flesh out later. For the Northern Hinterlands have a Viking theme, while the Midlands have a Forgotten Realms theme. Players can move to and from areas as they please. Always keep things local and work outwards as the players work outwards. Keep mostly to ideas with stuff inside the players' main circle of interest. Make sure players are aware that they are in fact in control of their characters' lives. They can multi-class their profession, they can go and choose their own skills and talents, and they can go and train in whatever they want. Put the ball back into your players' hands, let "THEM" do all the work. This also stops them from getting fed-up. Always KEEP PLAYERS BUSY with stuff. Looking for clues in a long lost journal (a hand-out you gave). Putting together bits of a torn map (a torn hand-out you gave them), a newspaper you email them monthly, looking for a lost family relic in between normal adventuring. In one of the campaigns I was running I had a player who was starting to show loss of interest with her character, a 6th level female half-elf Magic User. Always go straight to the player & identify the problem with them. She was feeling left out when the others in the party got stuck into combat. Work with the player for a solution....I found the player to be a closet Kung-fu nut. I gave the party a side mission that led her character to multi-class into a Magic User/Monk-Twin Dragon. @@@@@@ From: Scott Fitz MoonHunter (500+ GM tips there!) 1. GM's block is a serious problem in the roleplaying world. Nothing stops a campaign faster than a burned out GM, except maybe unhappy players. Signs of burn-out are a) lack of enthusiasm for your own play, b) throwing the same old plots at your players time and time again, c) seeing your scenarios fall flat on a regular basis, d) not finding a new hook or things to do in your campaign, e) players expressing dissatisfaction about the game which they never have before. 2. Most people have a time of day when they're the most creative. Do your brainstorming then. Try going without sleep for a while. Two o'clock in the morning is usually the time when the brain is least reasonable. You can come up with great ideas (or simply crazy ones) that can be added together with other random thoughts. Always leave a notebook and pencil by your bedside. You might wake up with a new approach that can get you started again. 3. Read! I've been burned out before, and reading new things always reawakens my imagination. I read fantasy books to stimulate my creativity, but any genre will work. They do not have to game related fiction. In fact, books of a type you never normally read are best for inspiring you. 4. You can get ideas from movies. Watch movies with different themes. A western can give you ideas completely different from ideas inspired by a martial arts movie. Get ideas from dramas, mysteries, suspense, horror, whatever. Reading and watching movies may have some feature that might provide the spark of inspiration from which a campaign might be born. 5. Use your eyes. Artwork, both fine and graphic, are great sources of inspiration. You can get ideas from a painting of the countryside, a castle, or maybe just a portrait. Flip through your books and see what kind of artwork is in them. I recommend the annual Spectrum book series as the best inspiration art book of all time. 6. If it does not work one way, try another. Consider switching to another campaign setting or system. A new setting may be a refreshing break from the standard things your players are used to. If you play Fantasy all the time, use a different section of your brain and try a science fiction game. Sometimes you really need a break from the usual. A change is definitely required if you're out of ideas on a topic. 7. Sometimes you need some help to get over the rough spots in your creative drought. Don't be afraid to read and borrow stuff from others. Take ideas and add them together. Roleplaying magazines always have little things that help a GM, and they can be scoured for ideas you could use. 8. Review your previous work. It might help to go looking through some of your old material. Look back at other things you have written, and try revising them to fit your current campaign. Update and modify it to fit your current tastes. Also, the players may react differently to a situation than another group of players. If they do, this will get you thinking on a different line. 9. Try developing different parts of a campaign that you haven't already. See what the players could explore, be it physical, emotional or spiritual. Try a moral dilemma instead of your normal court intrigue or combat. Take the group to a new part of your world as yet unexplored. An invasion from space will always take a game in new directions. 10. Ask a friend who is not involved in your current campaign read over your work. Talk about it and see what ideas he or she has that can be integrated. There is no such thing as bad constructive criticism. If the friend doesn't like something about it, change it or make it better. Listen to their comments and suggestions no matter how negative they are regarding your work. After all, you don't have a better idea at this time. 11. If you can, try writing a little short story or stories. Make your brain work in a different way. Put something down, anything. Make it small. Start in the middle or write just a piece of it. Make an outline. Think creatively about something unrelated. Spend time just sitting quietly day dreaming. Take a break. Give up for awhile and do something different. Most likely you are burned out because you are overworked. Enjoy some down time to rest your brain. Curl up with a good book and let yourself drift to a different place. 12. Try writing small pieces of information or creative thought. These could be one line of scene description, three sentences describing the organization of a religion, the fast write up for an NPC, some game mechanics that when a piece of description added could be a new monster, or even a game tip. Once you can begin to write things down, they can inspire you to move on to other things. 13. Sometimes there are physical reasons for why you are not feeling creative. Try to make sure you are getting enough quality sleep, taking in a little exercise, and limiting the amount of chemical modifiers you are taking (caffeine and nicotine being the biggest contributors). If you have any physical ailments, try to get them resolved. You can't do your best when you don't feel your best. 14. The hardest part of being creative is "the starting". Try taking pieces of the middle of what you want to do, then go back and work on the beginning. 15. Sometimes you just need a change of pace. Trying going someplace new, or just different, from where you normally go. The change of location may help you to dislodge the GM's block. @@@@@@ From: Jerry M. Hello Johnn, I've been running a home-brewed game for the past 6 years with another friend, and GM burn-out creeps up on me very often (usually once or twice a month). I have a suggestion for other GM/DM's to help overcome burn-out and make their game and/or game world seem "better". I find that relaxing while listening to music and letting my mind wander in my game world helps. While relaxing, try to picture yourself walking around in your game world and paying attention to what people do, their surroundings, and just generally what goes on. Once you're walking around in your game world, close your eyes and let your mind wander (preferably in your game world)... Do this for a couple hours a week (sometimes 30 min a day for a week really gets me wanting to GM). You can take this to the next step further by making stuff happen. Example. While walking to the store, you see someone hit by a car. What do you do? What if that person is your enemy, friend, spouse, noble/high class, commoner, etc.? Sometimes seeing the day to day life of your game world through the eyes of a commoner, or just some traveller, you will begin to know more about your game world that usually isn't in any books. Your game world has a life, why not look at how it is for a couple hours a week. Plus, don't think of plot hooks, let them come to you. The more you "see" your world, the more you can probably figure out how to make a campaign unlike any you had before... This may be difficult if you do not have a fully developed game world, or have little knowledge about the system. This has been very effective for me because I built my whole game world, system, and NPCs from scratch, so I know of many aspects of day to day life in my world from planet to planet, realm to realm. These tips have helped me, and maybe they can help someone else. @@@@@@ From: Mitch Michaelson Hi Johnn, Your recent issue struck very close to home: I suffered GM burn-out and I had to have a character leave the game. First, because we play online, that means we don't know each other as people very well. And no matter how many smiley- faces you use, it's very easy to offend someone in a chat room. The group lacked cohesiveness. I lost interest in holding it all together. So I asked that we skip a week, then come back and discuss the problems. The remaining players and I talked our issues out. In some cases, I was at fault as much as anyone. In other cases, I had to play the "it's my game" card while demonstrating concern for their feelings. One of the players pointed out a flaw in the way I set up the game. As mid-level characters (ancillae), I wanted them developing their own schemes and domains... but because there were few low-level characters (neonates) in the city, the player characters were effectively just powerful neonates. I didn't think bringing in dozens of neonates would make things better so the players suggested they take control of my non-player characters! They each chose an existing NPC neonate and will play them from now on, in addition to their normal ancillae. This troupe-style play expanded the ranks of player characters and since the two groups know each other, the ancillae can send the neonates off on dirty missions they devise. This completely dispelled my lack of interest and my burn-out was gone! Second, at the same time as all of this I had to expel a character from the game because he simply didn't fit in. The player was also rarely present, so that contributed. One of the players contacted the expelled player and asked if he still wanted to play, which he did. The player brokered a discussion between the ex-player and I, and now the ex- player is creating a new character that fits the game and he will show up more often. The game is back on. The lost player is coming back into the game. The moral to the story is, involve your players when you suffer burnout. They will probably surprise you with something out of the blue. @@@@@@ I hope this document has given you a few ideas for your own games and campaigns. Have more fun at every game! End of Supplemental #9 @@@@@@